Why Honey Is Dangerous For Babies

We know the many benefits of honey. This natural product is usually very recommendable, but it is dangerous for babies. Find out more about this topic today.
Why honey is dangerous for babies

We know the many benefits of honey. This natural product is usually very recommendable, but it is dangerous for babies. Under no circumstances should you give honey to your child under the age of one, as it can contain bacteria that excrete extremely harmful substances in the intestines.

Many believe that they are doing their baby particularly good by sweetening  their food with honey, which is known as a purely natural product with various benefits. Some people dip the pacifier in honey to soothe their baby. This bee product is also often used for burns and wounds. Don’t forget, however, that honey can be dangerous for babies! Then learn more about this topic.

Honey is dangerous for babies

Honey is a natural product that contains a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. This can cause botulism. Since this bacteria can survive in honey, this bee product is not suitable for babies under one year of age. It could do a lot of damage until the digestive organs are fully developed.

Honey is dangerous for babies

Honey is safe for children over 12 months of age because the digestive system already has natural antibodies against these and other bacteria. In addition, stomach acid is already a first barrier at this age. However, infants under one year of age have not yet developed antibodies to protect themselves from the bacteria mentioned.

Other sweeteners (made from sugar cane) can also be harmful. They appear in the list of foods that can encourage the development of botulism in children. It is known that this problem was first diagnosed around 40 years ago. The bacterium has been found in various organisms, most notably in the soil and to a large extent in honey.

Of course there are many elements that cannot be controlled. But giving up honey is easy. You can therefore definitely avoid this risk. 

The bacterium Clostridium botulinum

The spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum can be found in various products made from honey or sugar cane. This bacteria can cause the disease botulism, which can have serious consequences and even death. Babies often get sick between the 6th week and the 6th month of life.

Symptoms of this disease appear in the first few days after the Clostridium botulinum spores enter the baby’s digestive tract. You can also only comment up to a month afterwards. At first, the disease is noticeable as constipation, so it is usually difficult to distinguish it from other conditions.

Other symptoms that indicate the presence of this disease include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Lack of control when holding the head
  • Breathing problems
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Repetitive weak screams
  • Weak sucking and swallowing reflex
  • Decreased muscle tone
  • lethargy
  • Paralysis or limited mobility in the lower extremities
  • Loss of the vomiting reflex

In general, this disease is treated effectively if diagnosed in a timely manner. It can be controlled with botulism immunoglobulin. Treatment causes the disease to go away in a relatively short period of time. However, in most cases hospitalization is necessary.

Complementary treatment includes proper nutrition and monitoring of the breathing system to make sure it is not blocked and is functioning well. The complications that can also arise are particularly related to occasional breathing problems.

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