Why Do Children Want Water Before Bed?

It must have happened to you in thousands of nights with one of your children. Just when the child is ready to sleep, they will remember to ask you for one of their “compelling favors”.
Why do children want water before bed?

It is a common phenomenon that children want water before going to bed.  But what is actually behind this request?

Many parents lose patience when this happens. Some never find out what is behind this annoying, repetitive, and strange request. Why do children want water before bed every night? 

When kids want water before bed

Every time the kids want water before going to bed , it’s like they just forgot to drink during the day. What is noticeable, however, is that the little ones only take a small sip.

At this point, the concerned or angry parents set out to find possible explanations for this strange behavior. Is it manipulation? Does the child want to show me his power? Do I become his puppet?

But you can be sure that it’s actually just a cry for attention.

In reality, children are not able to think on this scale. They are not yet capable of such deliberate and complex acts as manipulation. Therefore it cannot be that your child just wants to test the limits of your patience. It is time to reconsider the false assumptions.

Many parents associate this request with the children’s desire to spend at least a little more time with them. But when you look at the time it takes to drink such a small amount of water, this theory loses all of its weight. In this short time the child would have only marginally more time with us.

Child asks for water before sleeping

Then why do children want water at bedtime?

The children ask for water when they are ready to sleep and when we want to relax after a long, hard day. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed and do not lose your temper. The real reason for this repetitive situation is more complex than you might think.

When the children ask for water, they actually want something completely different. Basically, they need to know that no matter what, they can count on you. They need you, they value you. They don’t want to feel alone in case they need you at night.

You know if you call mom or dad, you will protect them. That relaxes and gives extreme security. Younger children are very dependent on their parents, and even more so in the night darkness that scares them so much.

Therefore, your child wants to make sure that their loving parents are looking after the child. It needs to know that it can blindly trust you. So this is not about your patience, but about your ability to respond to your child’s request, comfort them, and accept their needs.

Having children doesn’t make you a father, any more than a piano makes you a pianist.

– Michael Levine –

More than just thirst

Child asks for water before sleeping

In order to cope with this situation, one has to face it calmly, be patient and, above all, show a lot of love. Ultimately, that is what every child needs. Therein lies the success as parents and the key to their happiness.

It’s not about thirst, wanting to annoy you, manipulation or malice. This request from your child goes far beyond that. The glass of water is just a pretext. Sometimes it may even be true that the child is thirsty, but most of the time there is another need behind it. A deficiency that is of an affective, emotional nature.

The last hug or a little extra kiss. To be wrapped in tenderness, to feel the warmth of your parents. Our children just want to know that we are there for them. They want to feel that they can always rely on us. What is comforting is that this condition will not last for a lifetime.

That is why it is so important to enjoy those times that actually drive us crazy. After all, you will soon miss this golden and dreamlike time  . So it’s all about understanding the child. You don’t have to waste energy but try to give all your love.

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