What You Can Do To Improve The Baby’s Intelligence

The techniques for developing and improving the baby’s intelligence are actually very simple and varied.
What You Can Do to Boost Baby's Intelligence

We have heard many times that it is possible for our baby to learn many things while they are still in the womb. Once it is born, there are also several techniques we can use to improve the baby’s intelligence.

The techniques for developing and improving the baby’s intelligence are actually very simple and varied. All of the techniques are extremely positive for the baby’s intelligence development. If you use them from an early age, your child will not only become intelligent but also happy. Your baby and you will have a very special relationship as a result.

Do you want to know how to improve baby’s intelligence? Here are some techniques for during pregnancy and after childbirth.

There is always a moment in childhood when the door opens and the future kicks in.

-Graham Greene-

The Tomatis Method of Stimulating Baby’s Intelligence

The doctor Alfred A. Tomatis, who devoted himself to research for more than 50 years, developed a new discipline called audio-psycho-phonology . This research brings together the areas he has explored in terms of perception, communication, and listening.

Baby's intelligence - baby with headphones

The doctor believed that the ear has many more functions than those that were already known. In addition to listening and maintaining balance , the sense of hearing also affects the electrical potential of the brain.

He concluded that the ear helps in learning and can improve people’s overall development. The ear can be stimulated by certain sounds that improve communication and learning, especially in infants and young children. This also improves motor skills and a sense of balance.

What is the Tomatis Method?

The Tomatis Method is a music therapy based on compositions by Mozart, Gregorian chants and the mother’s voice, which are played to the baby in certain high frequencies, even before it is born.

With this method, the aim is to avoid the relaxation of the middle ear muscles, which some babies can develop unconsciously and thus block certain sound stimuli.

The little ones are put on headphones that reproduce these noises that Dr. Tomatis sees it as natural for the development of hearing.

We ourselves can develop our baby’s ear since it was in the womb if we play the above songs for him.

Studies confirm that Mozart’s music has a direct impact on the development of creative and intellectual babies. Psychologists, educators, speech therapists and doctors recommend this treatment.

Baby's intelligence - headphones also pregnancy belly

Now we know some excellent techniques to stimulate baby’s intelligence since it was in the womb. Hearing Mozart is something that we should plan to be able to stimulate our baby’s hearing at a very early age.

Read on because we’re going to give you simple tips next to develop and improve baby’s intelligence.

How to Boost Baby’s Intelligence

  1. Build a bond with your baby.

According to Tracy Cutchlow, the author of the book ” Brain Rules for Babies “, the brain needs security and when it doesn’t have it, it is much more difficult to learn. It is very important that you keep your child safe.

One of the best ways to keep your baby safe is to have a strong relationship with your partner. Talking to your baby frequently, giving him massages, and making skin contact are also excellent techniques.

  1. Tell your baby how your day was.

One of the ways you can develop your baby’s intelligence is to talk to him a lot, even when he’s not in the womb. Studies confirm that babies who are spoken to frequently have an IQ 1.5 times higher by the age of 3 years.

It all comes down to the number of words, the amount and the complexity of the words. When you tell him about your day, you use a lot of words and it works perfectly.

  1. Communicate with him “face to face”.

If you want to make your baby smile with funny faces, go for it! This is an excellent way to develop baby’s intelligence. According to studies, babies begin to recognize facial expressions by 3 and 4 months of age. At 5 months they begin to recognize emotions on faces and between 7 and 9 months they can understand the gestures of a dog or a monkey.

Verbal communication allows your baby to work better with others in the future, with fewer arguments and stronger relationships.

  1. Point to objects.

Studies confirm that babies learn much faster when you point at objects. First your baby will look at you when you show him something. As it gets older, it will start looking at the objects. After 9 months, it will be the baby who brings you the objects and shows them to you. So always try to point to the objects you are talking about.

With these tips, it will be a lot easier to get the results you want. The most important thing is that you enjoy  your baby’s company . You will see that you strengthen the bond with your child.

Try it!

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