What To Do When Children Breathe Through Their Mouths?

If your child has a cough, sinus infection, snores, or crooked teeth, they may be breathing through their mouth. Don’t worry though, because today we’re going to tell you what you need to know about this condition.
What to do when children breathe through their mouth

Breathing through the mouth is a common habit in children. In almost all cases, this is a blocked airway and should be treated. So the question is, what should parents do when their children breathe through their mouths ?

Breathing is a vital process. However, improper breathing has negative effects and leads to changes such as sleep apnea, coughing, and crooked teeth. These are just a few of the problems that can arise.

Today we would like to exchange information on this topic with you. This way, you can quickly identify the causes of this bad habit for yourself. We’ll also introduce you to some of the treatments recommended by pediatric pulmonologists.

When children only breathe through their mouths

The respiratory system fulfills various functions that help maintain balance in our body. His efficient way of working has a direct impact on our lives and health.

This is a particular issue with children who breathe through their mouth . Of course, sometimes it is necessary to breathe through your mouth. In this case, this will not have a negative effect on your body if you alternate mouth breathing with nasal breathing.

However, it is clear that just inhaling and exhaling through your mouth can indicate certain diseases. At the same time, exclusive mouth breathing can also lead to diseases.

The process of the respiratory system that is related to the movement of air in the lungs is called ventilation. It does this in cycles where people inhale to draw in air and exhale to let it out again.

All of this is based on an automatic action. It is carried out by the neurons that command the nerves to activate this mechanism.

If a child is unable to perform this process that the body is subconsciously performing, then there is an abnormality. From this one can conclude that there is a blockage in a part of the respiratory system.

It is less harmful if children alternate mouth breathing with nasal breathing

Why do children breathe through their mouths?

The reasons children breathe through their mouths can vary. It could be the result of a temporary event, such as a stuffy nose, cold, or hay fever.

However, it can also be a blockage, such as enlarged tonsils.

However, these are just some of the reasons why children breathe through their mouths. Here are some other common causes of this problem:

  • Deviating septum (deviated septum) or obstruction in the area
  • Problems related to hypotonia or low muscle tone in the face
  • Problems with a child’s bite causing the child to keep their mouth open
  • Enlarged adenoids
  • Enlarged tonsils
  • Temporary causes : colds or allergies

What are the consequences when children breathe through their mouths?

Now that we’ve discussed the causes that can hinder breathing through the nose, let’s look at the consequences next. The most obvious consequences of exclusive mouth office are:

  • Coughing and snoring at night
  • Sleep apnea
  • Malformations of the jaw and a wide palate
  • Atypical swallowing
  • Hearing problems
  • Sinus infection
  • Ear infections
  • eye bags
  • General weakness
  • Dry lips

Mouth Breathing in Children: Medical Solutions

As you can see from the information above, this problem can have a number of causes. Fortunately, some of these are only temporary. However, as soon as you find that your child is breathing through their mouth, you should make an appointment with your pediatrician.

Because a doctor can determine the cause and refer you to the right specialist. This can be a pulmonologist, ear, nose and throat doctor, or orthodontist.

Another option is for your pediatrician to advise you to have your child treated by a speech therapist. This professional specializes in speaking and listening.

Treatment by a speech therapist comprises one of two forms of therapy. The first is called breathing therapy with passive and active exercises. The second type is myofunctional therapy (also called orofacial muscle function therapy).

A specialist doctor can help resolve mouth breathing problems

During breathing therapy , your child will do exercises that will allow them to reprogram the brain to correct improper breathing. This therapy is based on physical exercises and mental conditioning.

The second method, on the other hand, is to correct problems involving low muscle tone or swallowing problems related to blockages.

Before we end our article on this topic, we would like to conclude by making it clear that breathing through the mouth affects the health of children in several ways.

So much so that many children who only breathe through their mouths have problems at school. In addition, many are unable to perform any physical exercise or activity.

Do not hesitate to contact a doctor as soon as you notice that your child is also breathing through their mouth. It is better to be safe than sorry!

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