What Should You Watch Out For With A Baby Cot?

One of the most exciting tasks is choosing the furniture and decoration for the future children’s room. Buying a cot is one of the most important decisions you have to make in advance.
What should you watch out for with a baby cot?

More and more variants and colors  of baby cots are available. It is good to know in advance which options are available in order to then make the best decision.

It’s easy to find a suitable color that goes with the rest of the furniture in the room. But when buying it, certain requirements should be met to meet your baby’s needs.

Pediatricians recommend the use of wide and comfortable cots as babies spend hours relaxing here. In addition, there are a few things to consider when it comes to additional functional equipment.

What requirements does a baby cot have to meet?

  • It should be free of paint, varnish and chips. The baby can suckle or bite parts of the cot, which can lead to poisoning or allergies. With wooden furniture, care must be taken that there are no splinters in order to avoid injuries.
  • The optimal height. It is advisable that the cot is 60 centimeters high from the base plate to the top edge of the grille.   Otherwise it can happen that the baby falls over the edge while playing and romping about and falls. Don’t forget how quickly children develop and the little ones love to climb.

What should you watch out for with a baby cot?  The optimal height

  • The right mattress. It must be dimensionally stable and breathable, with a height of about 10 centimeters.
  • Firm and level floor. The mattress must lie on a firm surface. In this way, the development of the baby’s spine is supported. Remember that your baby will spend many hours in this place.
  •  Bars aligned in parallel. If the cot has bars, the distance must be between 4 and 6 centimeters  . This prevents the head from fitting through between the bars.
  • Wheels with a parking brake. To make it easier to transport the cot, there are cots with wheels. At least two of these wheels should have a parking brake to prevent unpredictable movements of the cot or even an accident.

As you can see, the cot should be comfortable and safe.

When choosing your cot, you should be aware that safety comes first and visual impression comes second.

Now that the most important factors for choosing a bed have been met, the next point is about choosing the  most suitable model for your baby. 

There are different variants to choose from, depending on how much space is available or how many family outings are planned.

What should you watch out for with a baby cot?  Models

Baby cot models

  • Traditional wooden bed with bars.  Due to the size of the cot, it is assumed that the baby can use the bed up to the age of two. The newer models have a mattress that is twice as high and have additional furniture.
  • For active parents and frequent travelers, there are easily transportable beds that can be easily dismantled and reassembled. They are smaller than conventional baby cots and can be used for sleeping or as a play cage. If you decide to use this cot permanently, it is advisable to insert another mattress.
  • Many parents choose to install an extension on their bed to have their baby next to them. These types of baby cribs consist of three parts and adapt to any bed.

Sometimes parents think that a few toys belong with the baby.

However, there are more important things than looks. The cot should be free of toys and clean.

The area around the cot and toys

Cuddly toys and pillows may look good, but they have no place in the cot.

For example, if the baby falls asleep with these objects on, there is a risk and risk of skin allergies that can be triggered, or even a risk of suffocation.

With regard to the location of the cot, it is important to keep it away from accessible objects. Nothing that could fall and cause injury should be kept within reach of the child.

The room in which the baby cot is located should be next to the parents’ bedroom. It is easier to monitor your baby’s sleep when they are in the immediate vicinity.

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