What Should I Do If My Child Is Underweight?

Is your child underweight? Then you are probably wondering what you can do to help him. For mothers whose children have nutritional problems, this question can be frightening. Today we want to help you with this.
What should I do if my child is underweight?

Is your  child underweight ? Society tends to look down on overweight people. This is especially true for children. This can also be the case with malnutrition. 
Having a child underweight can be a warning sign to parents, especially if the reason for it is not obvious. Then adults often make the fatal mistake of simply letting the child eat everything.

Parents then think that they are helping their child gain weight. But if a child eats everything – including fast food and the like – then of course that is anything but healthy.

To help a child get a few pounds extra, it is best to change his or her eating habits. A good change starts with identifying and choosing the right foods.

In order to gain weight, children need very nutritious food that is also rich in vitamins and has an acceptable energy density.

This is the first step if your child is underweight

The first thing you should do is talk to your child’s doctor. He or she can judge what is best for your child. Regular examinations and a sound medical opinion are certainly the best options.

Why is my child underweight?


Your child’s stature can easily be the result of their genes. And it has it either from your family or that of your partner.

If the mother or father is thin, the child will likely be too. If this is not the case, then you should see a doctor, who can help you determine the cause of the underweight.

Little interest in food

Children love to eat. Of course they don’t like everything, but still there are enough dishes that they can and happily eat. However, if your child shows little interest or enthusiasm for food, it could be an indication of either a medical or psychological problem.

Another cause may be hormonal imbalance or a low metabolism. Then it could be diabetes or a thyroid dysfunction. There is also the possibility of an allergy to certain foods. Or it is due to digestive problems. In any case, any impairment is very uncomfortable for your child.

Child underweight


During puberty, it is common for an eating disorder to be the result of social pressure or exclusion. Bullying can have dire consequences. It can cause bulimia or anorexia.

Physical activity

More exercise stimulates the metabolism. In extreme cases, however, this means that the individual cannot properly digest and use the food they have eaten.

How can I help my child achieve their ideal weight?

Finding and maintaining your individual ideal weight is an important part of lifelong health. The two big factors of health are exercise and eating right. You can also consider the following factors:

Regular meals

If your child is underweight, regular meals are a good measure. Because it’s not just about what is eaten but also how often. Young children have smaller stomachs so they have to eat more often. This can be 6 or 7 times a day.

Healthy family habits

It is important that the whole family lead by example. If she has good eating habits, sooner or later the child will adopt them. 

It is very good when regular exercise goes hand in hand with healthy eating. Exercise stimulates the appetite. So it can make sense to get your child to exercise before they eat.

In addition, unhealthy foods and unhealthy eating should be categorically avoided. These include soft drinks, cookies, fast food, candy, and pastries.

Because consuming all of these things significantly increases the likelihood of health problems. Some of the risks associated with this are diabetes, heart disease resulting from being overweight, and more.

What can I do if my child is underweight?

Child underweight

The first thing you should do is evaluate family eating habits and, if necessary, make changes for the better.

From now on, sugary juices or soft drinks are no longer allowed. None of this will help your child gain weight in a healthy way.

To replace these things, you can look for other foods that have a balanced energy content and nutrient balance as well.

Reach for foods high in vitamins and minerals. With them you can vary and cook so many dishes that your child likes.

Your goal should be to enable a diet that covers all food groups. This includes carbohydrates like in pasta, bread or muesli. But there must also be a lot of fruit and vegetables.

You cover protein with meat, fish, grains, eggs and dairy products. Avoid too much fiber. Whole grain rice and pasta will curb your child’s appetite.

Fats are not bad for the body per se. Vegetable oils are a great way to get nutrients. Grains and nuts are good too. They are also suitable as healthy snacks in between meals and give many dishes more flavor.

If your child isn’t a fan of fruit, you can try smoothies or fruit salad.

As for vegetables, purees and stews are great ideas. With creativity and ingenuity, you are sure to whet your child’s appetite.

The point of change is to get the nutrients and vitamins from the right foods. If your child is underweight, you have many options to counteract this. Unless, of course, there is a clear medical diagnosis. 

Sometimes change is difficult but necessary. This is especially true for the health of your family.

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