What Is Pica Syndrome During Pregnancy?

Pica syndrome is an eating disorder in which people feel the need to consume substances that have no nutritional value. If this disorder occurs during pregnancy, it can lead to health problems for the mother and her unborn child.
What is Pica Syndrome During Pregnancy?

Today we want to talk about pica syndrome during pregnancy. Although this type of eating disorder is more common, it is still relatively unknown.

When it comes to eating disorders, we usually think of conditions like anorexia or bulimia. However, there are other lesser-known eating disorders that also affect people’s lives badly.

What is Pica Syndrome?

Pica syndrome is an eating disorder in which people have a strong desire to eat or lick on things or substances that are not nutritionally valuable or harmful. Patients very often eat sand, plaster of paris, soap, ice, and toothpaste.

In the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Guide to Mental Disorders) specific criteria have been set for this disorder. The substances with no nutritional value are consumed for a period of at least one month. In addition, this behavior must be inappropriate for the age of the person. In addition, this eating behavior must not be part of a culture-related norm.

In most cases, this disorder occurs in early childhood, usually between the ages of 1 and 6. It is particularly common in people with autism, developmental disorders and malnutrition. In addition , women can develop pica syndrome during pregnancy or if they suffer from stress and anxiety disorders.

Pica syndrome during pregnancy

Many women experience frequent food cravings during pregnancy. However, the appetite refers to quite ordinary foods. Pica syndrome usually occurs in the first or second trimester of pregnancy. Causes for this can be stress, nervousness or fears, which are typical in this phase.

Pica syndrome occurs particularly in pregnant women who are younger than 20 years old and who have suffered from this syndrome in childhood. Usually the syndrome goes away after giving birth. However, there are women who continue to have this eating disorder after giving birth.

Pica Syndrome - Pregnant Woman

The causes of this syndrome during pregnancy

Although no clear causes for the development of the pica syndrome have been identified so far, there are some hypotheses about this. It is believed that these unusual cravings could be related to underlying physical or psychological problems.

Pica syndrome may develop due to anxiety and anxiety disorders. In addition, there are studies indicating a relationship between the syndrome and an M angel of iron and other vitamins and minerals suspect.

These studies suggest that women who have anemia have a tendency to eat ice cream. If these women fix the iron deficiency it will help alleviate the syndrome. If pregnant women are calcium or zinc deficient, they may try to make up for this deficiency with substances containing calcium or zinc.

Pica Syndrome During Pregnancy and Possible Consequences

Consuming substances with no nutritional value is very harmful to both you and your baby. While eating ice cream is relatively harmless (although it can damage your teeth), consuming other substances can have serious consequences.

75% of all patients with pica syndrome have to undergo surgery. In addition, 30% of the patients experience various complications and 11% of the patients even die as a result of the disorder or its indirect consequences.

One of the most common complications that arise from pica syndrome is bowel obstruction. Pica can also lead to poisoning, infections and parasite infestation. In addition, there is an increased risk of premature birth in pregnant women .

The consumption of unsuitable and inedible things and substances leads in many cases to the fact that the body can no longer sufficiently absorb the nutrients from food. As a result, a large number of patients suffer from nutritional deficiencies.

Prevention and treatment of pica syndrome

When someone has pica syndrome, acting quickly is very important. This allows the harmful behavior to be changed and prevented at an early stage, before a daily habit can develop. Once it becomes a daily habit, it is far harder to change that behavior.

Pica syndrome - pregnant woman at the doctor

Women who have pica syndrome should inform their doctor immediately. This will allow the doctor to do the necessary tests to determine the extent of the disease. In addition, he will examine which substances and objects the woman has already ingested and consumed.

The doctor will also determine whether the woman has enough iron and other vitamins and minerals. If a deficiency is found, he can prescribe the necessary nutritional supplements.

In some cases, beyond -serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), drug treatment with selective necessary. If pica syndrome was triggered by stress or depression, these drugs are very effective.

In addition , it is imperative to visit a psychologist and undergo therapy. Cognitive behavior therapy is ideally suited. It helps patients learn to control their impulses and compulsive eating behavior.

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