What Do Newborns Smell Like?

The smell of a newborn baby gives every mother a feeling of satisfaction. Researchers assume that the scent is caused by a mixture of Vernix Caseosa and amniotic fluid.
What do newborns smell like?

Many studies have addressed the question: “What do newborns smell of and what effect does this smell have on mother?” Find out more about this interesting topic today.

Newborns are characterized by their incomparable smell. It stays in the mother’s brain forever. Even as the years go by, they still remember it like it was yesterday.

What do newborns smell like? Sweet and intoxicating for mothers!

Most people have already held a baby in their arms and inhaled its wonderful smell. Studies claim that mothers naturally find this scent to be comforting. 

Because it is a survival instic through which the  bond between mother and child is strengthened. In other words, there are substances in this smell that make the parents want to be attracted to their child and the mother wants to breastfeed and cuddle with him.

In mothers , this smell triggers a reaction in the brain that has a similar effect to dopamine or a happiness hormone. Therefore, she becomes dependent on closeness to her child, because it makes her feel happy. The bond between mother and child is naturally strengthened.

This smell, along with other changes in the mother’s brain, is what drives milk production. This ensures the child’s survival.

Why do newborns smell so characteristic?

Countless specialists have studied the smell of newborns and compared it with other scents.

Some describe it as similar to milk and cookies. It is a sweet aroma that induces all kinds of sensations.

Others compare this smell to caramel or vanilla. As soon as this scent reaches the brain, it stays there forever.

The specialists agree that the typical baby odor is formed by the following factors:

Vernix Caseosa

Vernix Caseosa is the white matter that covers the skin of babies after birth. Its oily texture gives the skin moisture, because it is still very sensitive and developing.

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The Vernix Caseosa already forms in the 20th week of pregnancy. This layer of sebum helps regulate temperature. It is also rich in vitamin E.

It protects the baby in the first few weeks after birth. You shouldn’t completely remove this layer when bathing. It is very nutritious and has many skin benefits.

Vernix Caseosa consists mainly of proteins, water and fats. They all help in keeping the baby’s incredibly good smell. This smell is most intense on the head in the first few weeks.

Amniotic fluid

The amniotic fluid also plays a major role in the baby’s odor. The colorless and odorless substance consists of carbohydrates, proteins and nutrients.

At the same time, it protects the baby while it is in the mother’s womb. The combination of the Vernix Caseosa and the rest of the amniotic fluid creates this indescribable smell.

This helps the baby to strengthen the bond with its mother.

Inactive sweat glands

Another factor is that babies are not yet able to regulate their body temperature by themselves. Because of this, they don’t sweat either.

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Dried sweat forms bacteria that cause bad smells. If a baby’s skin is clean, bad odor will not develop either.

Over the months, your baby may sweat more and more. Especially when it is strenuous, for example when crying.

However, if your child sweats a lot, including while eating and wearing no clothes, you should see a doctor immediately.

In summary, the odor of newborn babies at birth is a combination of amniotic fluid and vernix caseosa. This remains on the skin and helps to protect it.

The smell strengthens the  bond between  mother and child in order to guarantee the survival of both. Without a doubt, this fragrance is a wonderful gift from nature.

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