Tips Against Colic In Newborns

Aid against colic in newborns.
Tips against colic in newborns

In the following article, we will introduce you to some tools to alleviate the famous colic in newborns. Additionally, here’s everything you should know about this type of pain: causes, symptoms, and possible solutions.

Colic is a typical feature of the baby’s first months of life. You can recognize them by intense and recurring crying for no apparent cause. Colic in newborns is not a concern, although knowing how to calm the child is important for parents.

The crisis usually occurs at the same time of day, usually in the afternoon or right after you drink. Colic is quite common in infants aged 0 to 6 months.

Parents are often very concerned about her, especially if it’s their first baby. So what can we do to relieve the tears and pain?

Follow these tips to help calm newborn babies with colic. Even if no drug has been shown to be effective, there are many simple measures that can help the baby.

How can colic in newborns be relieved?

If the baby has colic, the crying may be accompanied by certain characteristic behaviors. Newborns with colic suffer from cramping abdominal pain, which is why they cry loudly and let off gas. The face turns red, the fists tense, and the legs bend over the swollen stomach.

Colic is not a disease, but a description of the behavior of the newborn. The only real symptom associated with it is intense crying.

Hence, there is no radical treatment as the exact origin is unknown. However, we must not stop looking for ways to help the baby. Here are some tips to help alleviate his discomfort:

1. Move it gently

A good option is to give the baby a warm bath or give him his pacifier as this will calm him down. Keep the area very quiet and darken the room.

As a parent, it is important to know how to relieve colic in newborn babies.

2. Abdominal massage

Place a hot water bottle on the baby’s stomach, then rub it gently. You can try a stomach massage with a little almond oil or special stomach ache oil to soothe it with the gentle touch.

Always perform the massage clockwise. This method will help the baby clear the air in the abdomen.

3. Prepare hot water bottles

The heat helps relax the bowel and relieve cramps. Cover the hot water bottle with a towel and place it on your baby’s tummy.

4. Make sure you drink properly

Feed the baby more often, but in small amounts. This is how you can reduce colic. You need to leave at least two hours between meals. Only give the baby milk and avoid fruit juices in particular.

“Newborns with colic suffer from cramping abdominal pain, which is why they cry loudly and let off gas.”

5. Bottled milk

When preparing, make sure you adhere to the specified amounts for water and powder. Give the bottle to the newborn slowly in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

Before switching to any other strain, discuss with your doctor. Avoid two different types of milk as these are harder to digest.

6. Hold the baby upright while breastfeeding

To prevent the baby from swallowing too much air while breastfeeding, it is advisable to keep it as upright as possible. Also, opting for a smaller bottle for bottle infants is a good option to prevent them from ingesting too much fluids.

7th peasant

The so-called bulge – the belching after drinking – is particularly important in order to avoid colic in newborns. It is therefore important to take the time to help the baby burp after each meal.

For example, you can gently pat the baby’s back with their head on your shoulder, or massage the baby’s lower back while you are sitting to help them burp.

A gentle stomach massage is a good remedy for colic in newborns.

8. Watch your diet

When breastfeeding avoid overeating yogurt and white cheese, as these get into the milk and can be ingested by the baby. These dairy products contain large amounts of cow’s milk protein which can cause colic in the baby.

Also, avoid eating cabbage, broccoli, and other vegetables that can cause bloating, and consume low-carbon beverages, sweets, alcohol, or tobacco.

This list of tips is sure to help you relieve painful colic in newborns. Remember, it is very important to always stay calm and know how to calm the child down. If you fear that it could be a bigger problem, don’t hesitate to see your doctor.

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