This Is How Important It Is To Speak To Your Baby In The Womb

Talking to your baby while you are pregnant can help create a solid bond between you. You will enjoy this for a lifetime.
This is how important talking to your baby is in the womb

You may also think that talking to your baby is not that important during pregnancy. Mainly because the fetus may not hear this.

However, the truth is that hearing the voices of their families in the womb is incredibly beneficial and important for babies.

By talking to your baby during pregnancy, you are helping their neural and emotional development.

In addition, speaking to your baby in the womb is an important way of forming new bonds with him. This activity can be very exciting. Because babies can often respond to certain voices through movement.

Hearing is the first sense that babies develop. By the 24th week, babies can hear. The mother’s voice moves in vibrations that go through her bones. This is how the baby can feel them while in the womb.

The importance of talking to your baby during pregnancy

It is important for babies to hear their mother’s voice as this makes them want to listen. They also begin to move or play with their bodies, twisting and bending their knees. They can also step or jump to the rhythm of their mother’s voice.

The mother’s voice can remove the baby’s stress and anxiety. This is especially true in the latter stages of pregnancy.

From the 36th week of pregnancy , babies can distinguish between their mother’s voice and other noises. They are also more sensitive to loud noises. For example, when a door is slammed, loud music is played and other noises outside the uterus.

The father’s voice does not have such a high frequency because it is an external stimulus. However, it is important that babies hear their father’s voice often too.

Babies in the womb are usually more active and receptive to stimulation at night. Talking to your baby at night will make them feel more comfortable and loved. By listening to the voices of its parents one by one, the baby can better distinguish them.

The mother and father should speak to the baby one at a time

What can you say about your baby in the womb?

While mothers are talking to their babies, it is important to stroke the belly to convey a feeling of warmth. However, many women do not know what to say at first.

To start with, you could talk about what you did that day or what you bought. You can also tell your baby the color of his or her room or how you feel during pregnancy.

You can also sing songs or tell stories with emphasis on onomatopoeia. It is also a good idea to share this type of communication with the father. This way the fetus can feel the emotional connection between mom and dad.

On the other hand, listening to music is a great option. In this case, you should be careful to choose appropriate melodies for your baby. We recommend starting this after the fifth month, when the babies’ ears are well developed.

Benefits of Talking to Your Baby During Pregnancy


Dialogue strengthens the relationship between parents and their baby during pregnancy. This causes babies to react to everything outside of the womb, both good and bad.

Talking to your baby is good for their wellbeing

Talking to your baby during pregnancy will keep the baby calm.

Then, once in the world, the parents’ voices can easily calm the baby when he or she cannot sleep. Just hearing their voices calm it down.

Develop skills

Talking to your baby before he is born will improve his language skills. In addition, it promotes hearing development at an early age. This helps to avoid language or processing disorders.

Babies love it!

Babies love to hear their mother’s voice. It promotes their emotional and neural development. Also, in response to your voice, it will kick, jump, and move in the womb.

If you talk to your baby during pregnancy, you will begin a wonderful bond with each other. Feeling the baby move in your tummy when they hear your voice is one of the best experiences you can have.

Talk to your baby lovingly to ensure his or her proper development. Because many skills already begin to form when your baby is still in your tummy!

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