The Legal Basis Of A Family

The family is a very important pillar of society. The legal foundations of a family have been established to handle the various situations that can arise each day.
The legal foundations of a family

The family is undoubtedly a very relevant social structure. Although it is of course very private, it also forms the basis of a society. It also has a legal meaning. The concept of the family is regulated and protected in many laws. In addition, the legal basis of a family also serves to regulate conflicts that family members have with one another.

Legislators and public administrations need to set guidelines to ensure the well-being of families and their members. Although the concept of the family has gone through many changes in the past few years, the family remains one of the pillars of our society.

Nevertheless, the rules and regulations relating to families also had to be adapted to these changes. In today’s article we want to tell you more about the legal basis of a family .

the legal basis of a family - shared leisure time

The legal foundations of a family

What does “family” mean?

Basically, a family is an institution made up of spouses and their descendants. The purpose of a family is to preserve, reproduce and develop the human species in an environment characterized by love, respect and care.

In addition, this institution is also very important for the common good. Within the family it is possible for the individual members to exercise their rights and freedoms as well as their duties without restriction. Therefore, the legal basis of a family is also recorded in the Basic Law.

In addition, in many cases the family represents a safe and protective “haven” for its members. This means that the family members here learn the essential aspects of socialization and values ​​and develop emotionally and intellectually in order to grow as people.

Hence, family can be defined as a group of people who are related either by marriage or kinship.

the legal basis of a family - grandchildren with grandparents

Family forms

There are different types of families based on the legal basis of a family and the resulting legal and administrative effects. The main forms are the nuclear family, the extended family and the polynuclear family. A nuclear family consists of parents and their children. Large families also form a core family.

The extended family has many members who maintain close relationships with one another and have a more or less close bond with one another. A multi-core family is made up of several core families.

There is also an extended nuclear family with further relatives and single families in which only one parent lives with the children.

The Legal Basis of a Family: The Right to Have a Family

The right to have a family is based on a series of legal regulations that ensure the legal basis through various aspects. These regulations mainly relate to the relationship between the partners, parentage, custody of their children and parental responsibilities.

Each of these aspects is regulated in the relevant laws and regulations. It also regulates marriage, personal and economic issues, crises, separations, divorces and annulments with regard to the relationship between partners who are frequently married to one another.

the legal basis of a family - mother with daughter

In the law of parentage, a distinction is made between legitimate and illegitimate children. Adoptions are also regulated. There are also legal regulations on child custody, which are particularly relevant when the parents are separated. There are also specific legal regulations on parental care and guardianship for underage children.

In summary, we can say that the legal foundations of a family and the right to have a family take an important and ethical approach. In addition, our moral concepts and religious aspects also influence this legal area.

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