The Care And Hygiene Of Your Baby’s Penis

Your baby’s penis needs proper care and hygiene, something you can’t imagine, especially if you’re a new mom.
The care and hygiene of your baby's penis

It is not something that should scare us or that we cannot resolve. But it is very important that we take care of it in a timely manner to avoid major problems. The hygiene of your baby’s penis is very important.

Taking care of the baby’s skin is very important, especially in the case of the genitals  , it requires special care. Boys have basic rules of care and hygiene that fathers probably know better, but mothers cannot imagine.

Although there is always a pediatrician who can instruct us in these tasks,  it is still very valuable that we as mothers have a certain skill in caring for our babies. In any case, it is also possible that we have to resolve certain doubts ourselves.

The procedure must become routine and all mothers are trained in penile hygiene after a certain period of time. The main thing is to be aware of what to do and what not to do. It is also advisable not to be afraid and to be in constant contact with the pediatrician.

What you should know about your baby’s penis hygiene

Hygiene des Penis - Mama und Baby

  • Both boys and girls need special hygiene of their genitals. Because it is an area that has been in the diaper for a long time. Due to the existence of urine and feces, there is a tendency to infection.
  • Most male babies have what is known as phimosis at birth. This is  a condition in which the glans penis remains covered with a layer of skin. In contrast to a larger child or man, this cannot be moved. This is normal to some extent. However  , it can cause secretions to build up due to the narrowness of the opening available for urination, which  can cause infection.
  • It is advisable to clean the baby’s penis very carefully without moving the skin because it does so naturally. Some specialists recommend using corticosteroid creams. These soften the skin and cause the phimosis to resolve.
  • If your child is one of the few born without this problem, in order to maintain the hygiene of the penis, it is advisable to wash the part of the glans with soap and water without rubbing or drying it directly. At the time of changing the diaper, it is only necessary to gently clean it with a towel. Carefully shifting the skin; but complete hygiene is best achieved by bathing.
  • Don’t worry if you still have phimosis after a year. But watch out for the secretions that gradually separate the skin from the inside. When this happens, a bag of secretion can build up in the foreskin. This is normal, but it can cause an infection. This is a positive signal because it indicates that the problem is being resolved naturally. It can be resolved in a couple of weeks with the use of antibiotic creams.
  • Some parents have to get used the old-fashioned, the skin apart rei ß s. This can be very painful and result in injuries that can be complicated and unnecessary. Others do circumcision to treat major problems. Years ago, this practice was also done to prevent disease.
  • When changing the diaper, the penis, testicles and anus must be carefully cleaned. It is important to be careful not to leave a crease unclean. Additional advice for new mothers is to remember not to remove the diaper right away. It’s good to wait a few seconds because boys usually urinate at this time.
    Hygiene des Penis - Wickeln
  • One should not overdo hygiene and maintenance as almost everything around this routine is resolved naturally. Some specialists advise against using creams and artificial products such as soap to wash the penis. But if you’re a mom who normally uses these products, at the time of bathing you can remove the creams that are staying on your skin longer and be careful which soap you use.

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