The Best Ways To Teach Children To Read

Reading is one of the most important things children will learn in school. Therefore, both teachers and parents should know the best methods for teaching children to read.
The best ways to teach children to read

Reading is one of the most important things children learn before they turn 10. Everything in their further educational development, from expanding their vocabulary to their performance in all important subjects, depends on their reading ability. That’s why it’s so important that you understand the different ways children can learn to read.

However, every child learns in their own way. As a result, there are a few different ways children can learn to read. It is very important that you choose a method at the beginning and then stick to it for the further learning process.

For teachers, on the other hand, it is highly recommended to combine different methods and strategies. In this way they can adapt the methods to the needs of each student. This is especially important for students who have specific learning needs.

In addition, it is important to remember that the motivation to read is the key to learning success. We have to be patient to avoid negative associations with school and learning in the children.

Reading preparation

Children begin to acquire the skills they need to learn to read from the moment they are born. In fact, a baby only six months old is able to distinguish the sounds of his mother tongue from those of a foreign language.

Reading - mother with child and book

By the age of two , toddlers know enough native phonemes to be able to form more than 50 words. And when the children are between two and three years old, many of them can already recognize some letters.

There are many different ways parents can use to prepare their children for reading. One is to point to the letters when reading a story to your children. It can also be very helpful if you ask your child how their day was every day. This will help develop his storytelling skills.

In addition, you should start going to bookstores and libraries with your children and reading with them at an early age. The more children read with their parents, teachers and other caregivers, the easier it will be for us to make reading a normal pastime for the entire family.

Teaching children to read using the phonetic method

A phoneme is the smallest phonological unit, the shortest articulation of a vowel or consonant. Phonemes are the basic units of spoken language.

In an alphabetic language, sounds are translated into letters and combinations of letters to represent words. Hence, a person’s reading ability depends on how well they can decode words in a range of tones. Coding is the opposite process to reading and this is how we learn to spell.

The phonetic method (also called phonetics) helps in learning by reading a few letters and hearing sounds that are used to form syllables, words, and sentences.

This method guides the learner from the simplest to the more complex tasks. The easier part is to recognize the first letter and then the syllable. The hardest part is getting to each word first and then slowly reaching the goal of reading the whole sentence.

This is one of the most popular and widely used methods of teaching children to read. At the beginning, progress will be very slow and there will be many pauses in reading. But gradually the cognitive processes involved in “translating” letters and sounds into words will become more automatic and reading will become more and more fluid.

Read at a glance

This method teaches reading at the word level. The children skip the decoding process and do not pronounce the words using individual letters and syllables. Rather, they learn to read by recognizing the written form of the words.

With this method, context is very important. It can also be helpful if pictures are made available to the children. Known words can initially be presented alone, then in short sentences and finally in longer sentences. As the children’s vocabulary grows, they will begin to recognize rules and patterns on their own, and these will help them read new words.

Reading by this method is an automatic process, and therefore it is also read at a glance called. After seeing different words a few times, children will begin to read most of the vocabulary they find at first sight.

Reading - mother reading with daughters

The method of linguistic experience

The method of linguistic experience is based on personalized learning. Therefore, the words that children learn are different for each child. The idea behind this is that it is much easier to learn words that a child is familiar with.

Teachers and parents using this method can create stories that use the child’s favorite words in different contexts. In addition, the children can paint these words and collect the pictures in a folder. This then creates a special reader.

We can also search for these words in children’s books and use them to help children guess the meanings of unfamiliar words. You can do this if you hear these words in a known context. In this way you can develop and improve your children’s understanding and comprehension.

In conclusion, we can say that it is vitally important to consider a child’s individual needs and interests in teaching them to read. We have to pay very close attention to how it develops and always respond to its specific needs.

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