The Best Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

Sleep problems are normal during pregnancy. It is difficult to find a comfortable location and deep sleep to wake up refreshed the next day. Many women sleep only a short time and then wake up again and again.
The best sleeping positions during pregnancy

Almost all expectant mothers have insomnia. Abdominal circumference is particularly annoying from the third trimester of pregnancy, which makes it difficult to sleep. That’s why we’re talking about the best sleeping positions  during pregnancy in today’s article  .

Sleep problems are normal during pregnancy. It is difficult to find a comfortable location and deep sleep to wake up refreshed the next day. Many women sleep only a short time and then wake up again and again.

Not only the waist circumference disrupts nightly sleep. The growing child moves more and more and it becomes more and more difficult to find the right position. Many doctors know that general advice about the  best sleeping positions is  often of little use. Because every woman is different and has different needs, especially during pregnancy.

However, various positions are particularly uncomfortable during pregnancy and sometimes also risky for mother and child. When the pregnancy is advanced, the uterus is supported in the supine position on the spine, the intestines and the inferior vena cava (inferior vena cava). This vein carries blood from the lower half of the body to the heart.

This causes hip pain, indigestion, and increases the risk of hemorrhoids and low blood pressure. Respiratory problems, palpitations and cardiac arrhythmias could also occur as a result. Just because the pregnant woman sleeps on her back!

If you usually sleep on your prone or supine positions, you should break this off during pregnancy and sleep better on your left or right side. This is better for your child too. If you put a pillow between your legs, you will be more comfortable. 

The best sleeping positions during pregnancy

The best sleeping positions during pregnancy

The left side position is one of the best sleeping positions. The liver is on the right side of your stomach, so if you sleep on your left side, you can keep the uterus from pressing on the liver.

This position is also advantageous because the large blood vessels are on the right side of the spine. This way they are less compressed and you can prevent edema, for example.

In addition, in the left lateral position, the blood reaches the placenta better. Therefore, your child will be better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Do not forget that in this position you will also suffer less from swollen feet.

The best sleeping positions: Lie on your side with a pillow between your legs

In the side position with a pillow between your legs, your spine is straight and your legs are relieved. You can also use a long pillow to support your stomach, which will make you more secure.

Elevated legs

If you have poor circulation and swollen legs and ankles, you can try using a couple of pillows to elevate your legs. This will promote blood circulation and prevent varicose veins. This position is also recommended for cramps and stitch-like pain in the legs.

Sleep in a half seat

the best sleeping positions during pregnancy

If you suffer from stomach upset, heartburn, or slow digestion, we  recommend the half-seat, where you make yourself comfortable with several pillows. Your bed should be symptom-free and your blood circulation should be undisturbed.

While it is difficult to spend the whole night in a semi-seated positionyou should definitely avoid the supine position  so that the uterus does not press on the spine, the small and large intestines, the main blood vessels and the back muscles. You could then suffer from muscle pain, hemorrhoids, and poor circulation.

It  could also lower your blood pressure, which can lead to dizziness. Many women who sleep on their backs have low blood pressure.

It also often leads to increased snoring and sleep apnea. You should therefore avoid lying on your back, even if it is difficult for you. It is best to get into the habit of sleeping in your side position during pregnancy and bed yourself with comfortable pillows.

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