The 28th Week Of Pregnancy

By the 28th week of pregnancy, the child is already developing, but although it has come a long way, there is still time.
The 28th week of pregnancy

Every week of pregnancy is different because the little belly-dweller keeps getting bigger. It is during this time that wonderful things happen in the woman’s body. By the 28th week of pregnancy , the child is already developing, but although it has come a long way, there is still time.

The fetus is already well developed by the 28th  week of pregnancy The woman begins to prepare for childbirth. For example, if the blood groups of the mother and child are incompatible because the child has inherited the rhesus factor from the father, the mother is injected with gamma globulin.

In the 28th week of pregnancy, the little belly-dweller is already very active in his little world. He can already do a lot more things than we usually think.

The baby prefers to sleep when the mother is particularly busy. But when she rests, it becomes active in the uterus. 

Not only does the growing child change, the mother also goes through various physical and emotional changes. Most typical, of course, are the big belly and lack of sleep.

Changes in the 28th week of pregnancy

Changes in the 28th week of pregnancy

During this time, the expectant mother usually feels particularly tired. She often suffers from insomnia, which negatively affects her everyday life.

Experts recommend  communicating with the child when they are calm. For example, you can put music on, talk to or read to the growing baby. It is very important that they hear their mother’s voice, which they can already recognize.

Other possible changes from the 28th week of pregnancy:

  • The stomach and intestines are pushed into a different position so that the baby has room. Therefore, heartburn is more common,  which can be very uncomfortable.
  • The expectant mother also has more frequent urges to urinate.
  • The baby needs more energy, so its mother needs to consume more carbohydrates. The pregnant woman now often feels like chocolate, bread or cake.
  • However, the expectant mother usually eats less because  her stomach cannot tolerate as much food. 
  • The uterus now measures up to 28 cm in the upper area.
  • Often times, ankles and feet are swollen.
  • It is also possible that the navel is already bulging a little.

The development of the fetus

In the 28th week of pregnancy, almost all of the child’s facial features can be seen. It now weighs over a kilo and is about 40 cm long. Its nervous system is developing, and the brain is increasing in volume.

The brain activity of the fetus can be recognized by its sleep patterns. In addition, it can be said that the baby is already able to regulate its body temperature. With this in mind, the experts conclude that heat regulation is already mature.

Baby is 28 weeks pregnant

The eardrum is still growing, but the hearing is already fully functional. The eyes are also developed. However, the breathing system still produces surfactant. This substance is also essential for childbirth. When there is sufficient surfactant, delivery can begin.

The fetus begins to accumulate fat under its skin and  therefore becomes plump. If it is a son, the testicles will have moved down into the scrotum by the 28th week of pregnancy.

During this time, the production of  red blood cells by the spinal cord also increases. Before that, the spleen was responsible for it.

Other aspects worth knowing are the following:

  • The digestive system is more active.
  • The baby is starting to hiccup.
  • Its secretions are formed in the digestive system, kidneys and lungs and increase the volume of amniotic fluid.
  • There is a gas exchange that is due to the formation of surfactant.
  • Fingernails, hair, eyebrows and eyelashes begin to grow. In addition, the little belly-dweller loses most of the fluff that covers his body. At birth, only the back and shoulders are covered.

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