Teaching Children The Art Of Silence

Speech is silver, silence is gold. In this article, we’ll get to the bottom of this saying a little more.
Teaching children the art of silence

In a world of charm and impermanence, silence is almost as difficult to find as gold. It is therefore particularly important to teach children the art of silence from an early age .

In this article we explain the resulting benefits and importance for the child’s development.

How much time do you take in a day to appreciate the silence? Do you prefer a quiet atmosphere at home so that each family member can occupy themselves with their own thoughts?

Perhaps this state also sounds like a dream to you, especially when there are young children with you. Yet you should teach them the value of moments of rest and relaxation. This is particularly important in our modern society.

Notice the benefits that the art of silence brings. And if it seems appropriate to you, try to implement our tips in everyday life.

Benefits of silence

Enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet every day has many advantages for people. Of course, this also includes children.

Science has shown that silence can:

  • It fights stress. Namely, one of the main reasons for this is excessive noise. Noises louder than 30 decibels are believed to be a cause of stress and high blood pressure.
  • It helps focus  to solve problems faster and to stay calm when faced with difficulties.
  • It helps develop and regenerate the immune system. 

With that in mind, a good option is to enjoy a few minutes of relaxation during the day or before going to bed. Activities such as yoga, which can also be practiced by children, also offer moments of meditation.

Why is it advisable to teach the art of silence?

Now that you know the reasons why silence is an important element of wellbeing, we can focus on why it is necessary to teach the art of silence .

Children are inherently very active.  In addition, they are stimulated by technical devices and the modern lifestyle.

Art of silence - teaching the art of silenceTherefore, the need for silence is particularly great. Here are the main reasons why you should teach your child the value of silence.

A moment to enjoy life

The little ones are the most restless and curious explorers in the world. Everything that surrounds them catches their attention and they want to look, feel and smell it.

However, adults do not always give them the freedom to do so.

We live in a world that is constantly changing.  We are constantly active and on the move, children are no exception.

So what should we do? Take everything a little easier. Sit in the park with your child and give them space, time and the freedom to move around and discover things. 

Create a time for you and your child when you just do nothing. It is possible to pause for a moment and see what is happening in the world and also think about it.

quality before quantity

Have you heard of multitasking? In today’s world, children are often forced to do several things at the same time and still not lose focus.

However, our brain is not designed for that. But on the contrary. We are more likely to be exhausted when we try to do many things at the same time.

Yet many children are challenged in their upbringing to do more  than one thing at the same time rather than doing one at a time.

They are caught in a constant coming and going of thoughts and tasks without being able to listen to their own will.

Teaching the art of silence also means creating a place for reflection, even when time is short.

In general, the best ideas and the most creative work come when you are calm and in an environment that allows you to think, analyze and make decisions.

Understand and love the world

Silence is a good tool for children to look at their surroundings and how it came about.

You wonder how this tree could grow so tall; how this bird could build its nest branch by branch; at what time the sun hides behind the buildings on the horizon.

We live alienated and fast, but often fail to notice simple but obvious changes that are happening right in front of us.

The ability to observe is fundamental to developing critical thinking and analytical skills. Teaching the art of silence is a great way to develop these capacities.

The Montessori Silence Game

One of the best activities when it comes to teaching the art of silence  is a game by Italian educator Maria Montessori. This invites children to create a place for reflection and relaxation.

Kunst des Schweigens - Kunst-des-Schweigens-lehren

It’s easy:

  1. The children sit in a circle on the floor. 
  2. Tell them to imagine they are a flower, stone, or other immovable object. You should be silent for 30 seconds. 
  3. When they hear a certain sound that you previously agreed on, or when you say their name, the children open their eyes.
  4. Ask them if they can explain what they felt during that moment of calm. 

Every time you repeat this exercise, you can add a few seconds. It is a very beneficial exercise that is very beneficial for children.

It allows them to practice discipline, self-control and patience. 

As a mother, you have to make sure that you provide your child with everything they need for holistic development. This also includes things that are often invisible but still extremely valuable. 

Silence falls into this category: Show your child the relaxing world of the absence of noise.

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