Taking A Deep Breath Has Many Advantages!

You will enjoy this relaxing moment with your child! Get started today and you will both benefit greatly. 
Taking a deep breath has many advantages!

Taking a deep breath  is very beneficial in various situations. Your child can also benefit from it. Teach them how to use simple breathing techniques to their advantage.

Proper breathing has wonderful benefits that can help control your emotions. It even helps you sleep better.

Breathing properly is important for your child’s physical, psychological, and emotional health. Without a doubt, it will change his daily life.

In everyday life, stress, worries and responsibilities often leave us little time to think about the small, important things. But becoming aware of your own breathing is essential for greater wellbeing. 

We usually breathe between 17 and 18 times a minute. In stressful situations this can go up to 30 breaths per minute. This is also the case with children.

According to a study by AEPNYA, the Spanish Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, worries and stress in childhood are among the most common causes of psychological illness.

How can that be? What do we raise our children? Why do they suffer from stress and worries at a young age that make them sick?

Many children no longer have the opportunity to pursue age-appropriate activities or simply to do nothing. You are under constant pressure to perform and hardly have a free minute.

School and extracurricular activities fill their everyday life, there is no more time for wild play in the great outdoors or for breather in which you can let your imagination run wild.

At the very least, give your child strategies to relax  and feel free for a moment. It has to learn to deal with the pressure and get rid of it.

Emotional intelligence and practicing breathing exercises are two great ways to reduce stress. 

In this article we explain the advantages: Just take a deep breath and relax!

1. Breathe deeply when you are angry

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As your child learns to accept their frustration, it is normal for their emotions to overwhelm them. When you least expect it, these emotions can pop out.

There are times when you feel overwhelmed and tired as a parent. Sometimes it seems like your patience is running out of your hands bit by bit.

In these moments, your children are more restless than ever and rebel against you.

Then there is nothing better than telling them:

  • We’ll sit down for a moment and play a game.
  • Try to take a deep breath and blow your stomach up like a balloon.
  • Now hold your breath for 4 seconds as if we were diving underwater.
  • Now let the air out through your mouth and pretend you are a rocket on launch. Blow out your bad mood and let it fly far away.

2. Daily breathing exercises for children from 4 years of age

Four years is the perfect age to teach your child relaxing breathing exercises. Relaxing doesn’t mean hanging out at the computer or surfing on the cell phone! 

To teach them that, you have to be a role model. You can  take 5 minutes each day to take a deep breath.  Follow the breathing exercise above.

3. Your child will sleep better

take a deep breath - take a deep breath - 2When your child gets used to taking deep breaths, they will notice many benefits: a better metabolism, a balanced heartbeat, relaxed muscles …

Taking a deep breath can also improve the  quality of your sleep! Do regular breathing exercises with your child before they go to sleep.

4. Strong and healthy lungs

Healthy habits are especially important for children during development. In some schools they  learn  yoga or mindfulness, which has many advantages for children. 

But it is also important to exemplify this at home and to practice it regularly with the children:

  • Taking deep breaths promotes lung capacity and chest elasticity. It also reduces the work of the heart and makes the lungs stronger and more efficient.
  • You also need to know that taking slow, deep breaths helps regulate blood pressure. After a little practice, your child will have better lung volume.

5. Breathe deeply and concentrate

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By breathing in slowly and deeply, the child can become aware of himself. It can relieve stress and normalize its body functions. 

If it makes a habit of taking deep breaths when excited or nervous and angry, it can itself positively change its state of mind. This allows them to think clearly and concentrate on the essentials. 

You will also enjoy this relaxing moment with your child! Get started today and you will both benefit greatly. 

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