Stimulating Milk Production: Tips And Advice

In some cases, the mother does not produce enough breast milk to satisfy the baby’s insatiable appetite. However, there are ways that one can stimulate the production of breast milk.
Stimulate milk production: tips and advice

There are effective ways to  stimulate milk production  so that your baby actually has enough milk available.

The amount of milk depends on the frequency of breastfeeding and the sucking power of the baby. Two hormones are released when sucking: oxytocin and prolactin. This stimulates milk production  .

The more often the baby is breastfed, the more prolactin and consequently milk is produced. So if there isn’t enough milk, you can breastfeed your child more often to  stimulate milk production.

Oxytocin causes muscle contractions in the breasts that cause milk to flow through the milk ducts and exit the nipple when the baby is sucking. This is known as the ejection reflex.

In some cases, the mother does not produce enough breast milk to satisfy the baby’s voracious appetite. However, there are several ways in which one can stimulate the production of breast milk.

How can you stimulate milk production?

Then you will find tips on how to stimulate milk production.

1. The correct position when breastfeeding

While sufficient milk may be produced, your  baby may not be able to suckle properly while breastfeeding, so natural milk production cannot be stimulated.

In this case, help your baby find the right position  so that he can suckle better. A midwife can help and advise you.

Stimulate milk production

2. Chest compression

Breast compression is a technique that allows your baby to absorb more breast milk while suckling. For example, you can use a breast pump to pump more breast milk out of your breast.

With chest compression you have to hold the chest with one hand and place it as close as possible to the chest. Then press something on it with your fingers without it hurting.

If your baby is feeding normally, you can let go of the breast to allow the milk to flow.

3. Change certain habits

Various habits can affect milk production: smoking, the birth control pill, stress, tiredness …

If you  veränderst your lifestyle, you can improve milk production. 

4. Breastfeeding regularly and do not use powdered milk

You are more likely to stimulate the production of breast milk when your baby is breastfed. If you skip meals or give your baby powdered milk instead of breastfeeding, your body will not get the signal that more breast milk is needed.

Remember, less milk will be produced when there is less demand.

5. Change silences

In the first few weeks, alternating breastfeeding with each feeding helps to build up a larger amount of breast milk. You just need to make sure that you switch breasts each time you breastfeed, as the first breast is usually more stimulated.

If you always start on the same side, this breast will produce more milk and grow larger than the other.

If you are comfortable with the amount of breast milk produced after the first few weeks, you can continue to breastfeed with both or just one breast.

6. Eat enough

While it is possible to feed your baby full of breast milk on a poor diet, it is certainly better to eat a little healthier while breastfeeding.

Milking and breastfeeding require a lot of energy. To develop and maintain a healthy milk supply, provide your body with balanced and healthy meals.

There are even some foods that promote milk production, such as oats, vegetables, and almonds. These foods give your body the calories so badly needed to produce breast milk.

Stimulate milk production by breastfeeding

7. Drink enough

Breast milk consists of 88% water. So if you don’t drink something every time you breastfeed, your body can become dehydrated!

Also, remember that a healthy lifestyle is very important. You have to feel good, then  breast milk can be produced more easily.

If you implement these tips in everyday life, you can usually stimulate milk production. Try it!

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