Slight Speech Delay In Toddlers

Mild Speech Delay In Children And How It Shows Up.

If a child does not have age-appropriate language skills, there is likely a slight language delay.

Child with mild speech delay

The most common causes for this are overuse or lack of stimulation in the home environment. Parents who always anticipate their child’s wishes do not motivate the child to express the wishes.

Although the linguistic expression is affected, it does not mean that understanding is also affected. On the contrary, a  slight delay in speech indicates that the child understands more than he speaks.

How is a slight speech delay manifested

A slight speech delay indicates that speech is developing later than normal and also more slowly.

Child with slight speech delay 2

If there is a delay, the children speak their first words around the age of two instead of one year. The combination of two words (eg “yellow flower”) only occurs after three years, usually after about 18 months.

It should be noted that the restricted language makes sentence formation more difficult. You can recognize this by the fact that when the child is asked something, he answers with very short sentences and expresses himself very briefly.

Furthermore, it is evident that the child adopts a passive stance when it comes to speaking.

There are times when the child understands certain sentences, especially when they are in a family environment. For example “give me the ball”.

More abstract space-time phrases or phrases that the child is not very familiar with (e.g., “going on a trip”) will not be understood at a young age.

Causes a slight speech delay

  • slight language lag  in family history
  • Certain environmental factors: poor or inadequate vocabulary in the family environment, lack of stimulation or excessive protection.
  • Conflict and violence in the home

What are the differences between a slight speech delay and other speech disorders?

Studies have shown that a specific language disorder called dysphasia is described as a serious form of mild speech delay . In this case, the language is also learned late, but it does not follow normal evolutionary patterns.

Speech comprehension, in particular, is usually more affected here than with a slight speech delay.

However, when experts treat a child with a slight speech delay , even they often find it difficult to tell the difference between the disorders.

It is therefore important to see an expert immediately. Advancing language development and finding solutions are more effective when treated early.

slight speech delay

Things that should be considered

Some people believe that this disorder doesn’t have a major impact on the child’s developmental learning. It is estimated that the situation will improve after the age of six.

In some cases, a slight delay in speech can also be associated with clumsiness in fine motor skills, lateral coordination, and the ability to distinguish colors, shapes, and time periods.

The best way to deal with cases of mild speech delay is to express yourself appropriately – speak calmly and slowly and avoid childish vocabulary.

It is also advisable that when you pick up your child from daycare and your child is involved in a conversation, you take the time to wait for your child.

You should have practical and pleasant conversations with your child that are specifically tailored to your child’s understanding skills. Also, it is advisable to read stories with pictures as they aid vocabulary.

It’s best to also sing children’s songs. These are an excellent means of introducing language patterns.

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