Show Your Child That You Can’t Buy The Most Beautiful Things With Money

Benjamin Franklin was right when he said: “Anyone who believes that anything can be achieved with money is easily suspected of being willing to do anything for money.”
Show your child that you can't buy the most beautiful things with money

Teach your child that the best things in life  cannot be bought with money . Show him that happiness cannot be found in business and the importance of feelings and love.

Time together and complicit laughter are far more valuable than any toy, computer game or money in a piggy bank.

Benjamin Franklin was right when he said: “Anyone who believes that anything can be achieved with money is easily suspected of being willing to do anything for money.”

Of course we live in a consumer society in which material goods are of great importance. Almost unconsciously, we let ourselves be guided and often forget that other values ​​are far more important and that we should teach them to our children too. 

Today we invite you to reflect with us on this topic. You will also find some useful tips for raising your children afterwards.

The most beautiful things cannot be bought with money, they are created in the heart

The most beautiful things cannot be bought with money, they are created in the heart 

The recently deceased sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman coined the term liquid love, which is typical of our modern society. In un prevail Serer fast paced world in which consumerism and instant gratification of needs, relationships are very fragile. 

Even if we are not aware of it,  children can be influenced very much and give way to this dynamic. The reason for this is very simple: they see their parents as role models!
But no matter how hard they try and try to teach their children that money doesn’t buy everything, there is one fact that they immediately recognize:  time is money. 
If the parents come home tired after work, it is  because they have to bring home money. So it is unavoidable that children attach great importance to money very early on.
But how can you get them to get to know a different perspective and learn that there are more important things?

The time together has no price

When father and / or mother work every day, the little time they have left should be  spent intensely with their children  to experience magical moments of complicity and happiness.

  • Don’t make the mistake of giving your children presents to make them happy just because you don’t have the time yourself. You cannot buy their happiness through gifts.
  • Give your children emotional memories: playing  together, going for a walk in the park, going to the cinema …

Remember that shared moments leave deep marks on your child’s emotional memory. A toy is great for a short time, but it soon becomes boring again; besides, it won’t impress your child emotionally. Therefore: Give him a good time instead of overwhelming him with things.

You can't buy happiness with money

Things are taken care of so that they last; Relationships are nurtured so that they flourish

In order to prevent children from becoming victims of our volatile society, which the philosopher Zygmunt Bauman talks about, at an early age, they should know certain aspects of life from an early age.

Things have to be taken care of so that they last a long time

  • You have to look after your possessions, such as toys, display devices, clothing or other utensils, and treat them properly so that they last a long time. You can’t just throw things away because they are boring or out of date. 
  • Mother and father do not have to fulfill all of the child’s wishes. They only give their offspring what they actually need.

If your child learns to treat their personal belongings well and doesn’t always get new things right away, you’re doing them a huge favor.

Just as toys are treated well so they don’t break, so too must a pet be cared for to keep it healthy and happy. Of course, this also applies to relationships with the people we love.

Show your child how to care for loved ones

  • When you love someone, you try to spend as much time with them as possible.
  • You take care of his health and ask him questions to find out how he’s feeling right now.
  • You can also have fun with him and share a wide variety of experiences.
  • You don’t have to buy a gift to tell someone very special that you love them. You can convey it to her with words, a beautiful drawing, or with your attention. You can’t buy love with money.

We all know that we live in a consumer society,  but that’s why you should try to teach your child emotional values ​​from an early age. It has to know that you can’t buy the most beautiful things in life with money!

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