Say Goodbye Before You Leave The House!

If you go out of the house without saying goodbye, you leave behind a troubled child. It cannot understand that its mother was just there and suddenly disappeared.
Say goodbye before you leave the house!

Your child will then be confused. That is why we advise you: say  goodbye before you leave the house!

Otherwise your child will call for his mother and not know if she will come back. It doesn’t know how long you’ll be gone and that’s why you just left. So say goodbye before you leave the house!

When the children are young, sometimes it may seem easier to walk when they are not looking. We wait until they are distracted and we can disappear in an unobserved moment. This is not good. Say goodbye before you leave home because your child needs to learn how separation processes work.

The reason we just run away is because we don’t want the kids to see us leave and then start crying. Yes, every now and then we even ask someone from the family to distract them until we have left without being noticed. However, we are making a big mistake with this. Because the best thing is that we say goodbye properly before we leave the house, every time!

In the first few years it is difficult for children to be separated from their parents. Gradually, however, they understand that leaving is limited in time. And before you know it you’re going to ask for more kisses and hugs.

Say goodbye before you leave the house

Say goodbye before you leave the house! It’s more than a necessity!

Most likely, your child won’t like you leaving. And it is just as likely to cry. But this reaction is not only normal, it is even healthy. Your child is simply showing their feelings in this moment.

Don’t break down when it comes down to it. Or at least try. Your strategy should be to test different types of goodbyes to see which one works well. You have to find a way to convey to your baby that even though you are leaving, you will come back soon.

Once you’ve figured out a good way of doing things, your child will begin to understand that while you go first, you come back. And that will keep them from getting anxious and crying in your absence. Saying goodbye is important to help your baby get used to separation processes.

There are children who cry like crazy when they are separated from their mothers. If this is the case for you, you might well be feeling guilty. It can go so far that you stay home after all. But that will only complicate the situation in the long run.

It’s important to find a way that your baby will get used to you being away. It’s an ongoing process that requires patience. But believe it or not, saying goodbye will be easier for you too. You will finally be able to go out of the house without having to use a trick to distract your child. You will feel better.

Say goodbye before you leave the house! That should be routine!

Say goodbye before you leave the house

Try not to be down when you see your child suffering. Crying is part of this development phase. Most babies go through this.

Do not lose heart. Even if it’s difficult at first, it won’t always be that way. One day your baby will emerge from his cocoon and be happy to see new, different people. The goal should be to let this development happen naturally so that it is not traumatic for your child.

It’s also a good idea for your child to spend some time with other people each day. That could be the grandparents, or aunt and uncle. Or good friends.

At first you should stick with it. Then there is no drastic change. But when you find that your child is comfortable with others, it will be easier for you to leave too. It will remember good times with different people and thereby let you go.

Saying goodbye is getting used to

Not only should your baby get used to other people, but also to being alone. To practice that, the next step is that you are not visible. 
Leave your child on the floor or in the cradle with toys. Then you can step out of the room for a brief moment. Of course, in case it cries or something happens, you stay around. Even then, your child may cry at first. But if it has its toy it will play with it and keep itself busy surprisingly quickly.
Say goodbye before you leave the house – and preferably always with a smile on your face. Don’t let your child see that you are sad or worried when they cry!

And one more thing: don’t come back! Even if your child is crying, go. Do not drag the process out. Trust that you will leave your little darling in good hands and that nothing will happen to him.

Try to set boundaries and make your child understand that sometimes you just have to leave. For example, when you have to go to the bathroom or cook.

Say goodbye before you leave the house – no ifs or buts!

Say goodbye before you leave the house

You should never just steal away from it or lie to your child and tell them you’ll be right back if you don’t. This creates a kind of distrust and your child will be anxious and insecure.

However, many mothers do this anyway. This makes it easy for yourself because you don’t have to see your child cry. But you’re not helping him yourself. It has to learn the right attitude towards saying goodbye for a while – from you.

You will also be better off in the long term if you explain to him that as a mother you now have to go to work or to exercise. And it doesn’t matter how old your little one is.

If you don’t say goodbye, you leave behind a confused baby. Because babies just cannot yet understand that if you are not visible, you are still somewhere else.

No reunion without saying goodbye

If you go and just disappear then they may even think you are no more. And of course that is a devastating thought! So help your child understand that your absence is temporary and that you will come back.

For example, “look-and-see play” is also suitable for this. Cover yourself and say: “Where is mom?” This simple game will help symbolize your absence.

Leaving without saying goodbye triggers recurring fears in your baby, because then it never knows when you may be gone. So be consistent in saying goodbye. Otherwise your child lives in constant fear and always wants you to be at arm’s length.

Our babies do not yet understand a lot of what we are saying, but they understand the intention behind it. Therefore, you should use a calm tone when you tell him that you are leaving now and will come back later.

So your child will be peaceful when you have said goodbye and leave. Little by little it will understand and the breakup process will be less traumatic.

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