Respect For Older People: Why Is It So Important In Education?

Respect for the elderly is one of the foundations of education. This is not only positive for the maturation process, but also of paramount importance for the future relationship between children and adults. 
Respect for the elderly: why is it so important in parenting?

The culture of the immediate, technological advances and the distance through social networks often lead to a deep gap between the different generations and to a lack of understanding. But  respect for older people  has very positive effects, not only for the children themselves, but also for their grandparents or other adults around them.

Older people usually spend a lot of time with their children, which is why setting an example is one of the best educational methods. This is how the little ones can learn how important it is to respect adults, their habits, beliefs and their world views.

How can you encourage respect for the elderly?

In the last phase of life there are many physical changes that impair mobility, the senses and other aspects. Often this has  negative emotional consequences for aging people who isolate themselves from the environment. Loneliness in old age often leads to depression and increased health problems.

The  respect for the elderly  should begin with loving care. And this is exactly what children can “copy” and imitate from adult caregivers. 

It is true that relationships between different generations are not always easy. Because the world is changing and, especially when it comes to bringing up children (grandchildren), differences of opinion can arise. 

Respect for the elderly: grandpa and grandchildren

In addition, it must be taken into account that children are now growing up in a technological world. They may feel like their  grandparents have nothing in common with them anymore. 

Different generations living together

The coexistence of different generations becomes even more difficult when the children’s parents have a complicated relationship with the grandparents or other elderly people. Unfortunately, young people are taken too seriously in our society and old age is underestimated. 

In this sense, there are many stereotypes and prejudices that lead to the fact  that there is no longer any respect for older people. At other times and in other places, old people were symbols of wisdom. But now it seems that this function has been taken over by computers.

To leave these prejudices behind and promote respect for the elderly, the United Nations launched a program in 2017 to promote “ the talent, contribution and participation of older people in society” . Therefore, International Elderly Day is celebrated on October 1st each year.

This is intended to strengthen equality regardless of the age of the people. The coexistence with older people should take place without prejudice.

Advantages of exchanges between different generations

Showing and promoting respect for older people has many advantages for everyone. Our society is based on communication between all age groups, we need each other. Of course, it’s about respecting not only older family members, but also neighbors, teachers and other older people.

Grandma and granddaughter

Older people who receive affection and respect from children feel loved and happy. This gives you  more life energy and allows you to overcome loneliness. They feel integrated into society and can improve their self-esteem. These are just a few of the benefits.

Children and teenagers can also benefit from a respectful relationship. They too feel better and  can learn important things from older people. You will remember the wisdom and good tips of older people for the rest of their lives. They also learn to accept old age as part of life and not to be afraid of it in the future either.

Fostering respect for older people is a way of bringing children and grandparents together  and promoting harmonious coexistence. Mutual respect for others is fundamental to any relationship at any age.

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