Promote Phonological Awareness

In today’s article, you’ll find simple exercises that can help you develop your child’s phonological awareness at home. 
Promote phonological awareness

As  phonological awareness,  the ability to perceive the language when speaking and listening as phonetic units is called. Children develop this capacity by interacting with other people.

Over time, the child learns that language is made up of words, words are made up of syllables, and syllables are made up of phonemes.

Once this identification has been internalized, the child can begin to manipulate sounds in their oral language. When this is the case, the basis for visual recognition of the letters is in place.

In order to promote phonological awareness, no printed figures are used, as no step should be left out in this development.

The following activities are very useful  in developing phonological awareness  and recognizing different sounds before the child begins reading and writing exercises. 

Promote phonological awareness with exercises

The listening play

First of all, the child gets to know the sounds of daily life. Ask them to sit in silence for a few minutes. Ask your child what they heard during this time. Perhaps it could hear a car, a door that was closed or opened, a curtain, or the air conditioning.

The game of onomatopoeia

The whole family can have fun with this game. Everyone sits in a circle and the child sits in the middle with his eyes closed. After that, a person gets up, stays in one place in the room, and makes an animal noise.

The child must now point in the direction from which the noise came. This game improves auditory skills and concentration at the same time.

Promote phonological awareness in children

Rhymes for a better phonological awareness

Rhymes are fun for children and a wonderful tool for greater phonological awarenessThis allows the little ones to perceive similar noises and imitate speech patterns. 

Songs, poems, and puzzles are best suited for this. You can also try to make up funny rhymes yourself!

The picture game

Once your child knows how to use rhymes, you can make things a little more complicated:  take a box with different pictures of objects whose names rhyme. The child then has to find the matching pairs that rhyme.

The syllable game for a better phonological awareness

Recognizing the hyphenation is an  important basis for good spelling and a correct understanding of the language units. The whole family can take part in this activity. 

Everyone sits in a circle and everyone says his name while everyone claps to the rhythm of the syllables. Then you come up with more complicated words. You can use pictures or simply the names of objects that are in the room.

Traditional nursery rhymes

Songs such as “On the Lauer auf der Mauer…” are great fun for children and are very helpful in recognizing sounds and syllables.

After singing, show your child a picture of an object made up of several syllables so that they can clap the syllables apart. You can also hop, scream, or whisper to the syllables to get your child’s attention. 

phonological awareness through singing

As you can see, there are many ways to develop phonological awareness through fun games  so that your child can develop important communication skills. 

Don’t forget that daily constancy is very important  so that your child can use their capacities and build solid foundations for the reading and writing process. 

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