Playing With Your Baby In Front Of The Mirror Has Many Advantages!

To help your baby get to know their own body, you can sit them in front of the mirror for a while, where they can look at themselves from head to toe.
Playing with your baby in front of the mirror has many advantages!

Playing with your baby in front of the mirror has many benefits. The myth that this will delay your child’s speech development couldn’t be further from the truth.

What you do with your little one when they can see themselves in the mirror is helpful for their development. We’ll explain this to you in more detail in this article.

The benefits of playing with your baby in front of the mirror

It helps him get to know his own body

To help your baby get to know their own body, you can sit them in front of the mirror for a while, where they can see themselves from head to toe.

The mirror will teach your child body language and show them what they look like. Even if at 8 months your baby is still too young to understand that he is seeing himself.

As he grows up, he will get used to his reflection in the mirror, recognize his own gestures and movements in others, and understand that he sees himself in the mirror.


Baby to play in front of the mirror - Baby_to_play_in front of the mirror-3

Letting your baby play in front of the mirror will help him be more compassionate.

Your child will look at themselves and smile and their reflection will smile back. This is how it gets a feeling for others.

It has brain development benefits

As often as you can, you should play with your child in front of the mirror. Aside from seeing your reflection in the mirror interacting with his own, it gives your baby great satisfaction just seeing the way you hold him and cuddle.

Even if we have already established that your baby is not yet fully aware of who it is seeing in the mirror.

The image of this “other” mom who looks just like you and has a wonderful relationship with the baby in her arms will trigger positive emotions in your baby.

Any positive stimulation your baby receives from you contributes to the development of his or her brain. 

It helps your baby get to know their surroundings

Baby to play in front of the mirror - baby_before_the_mirror_to_play-2From an early age, your baby pays attention to everything and everyone in the area.

If you change a detail in the room your baby is in, they will notice it immediately, as if they were an interior designer. That is his job and his hobby: to observe absolutely everything in order to understand the world around him.

A mirror that you hang up in the nursery helps your baby to expand his perspective on the things behind him.

They can look at their room in a different way and looking through the mirror also consolidates the knowledge they have already acquired about the room.

His reflection in the mirror calms and entertains your baby and makes him feel safe

Children feel safe and confident when they are with other children. When your baby sees another infant, they’ll laugh, play, and wiggle their legs.

The same thing happens when it looks at itself in the mirror. It becomes calm and relaxed.

The body movements and gestures that the “other” child makes in the mirror will entertain your baby and he or she will not feel alone. It enjoys it even more than a stuffed animal or doll.

If you want to create the same effect in your baby, you can put a mirror in his room or in another room where he likes to play.

You will see that the “other” baby in the mirror will fascinate your baby like no other toy.

The mirror promotes psychomotor development

Take advantage of the opportunity to play with your baby in front of the mirror to strengthen their motor skills.

Put a blanket on the floor and sit your child on it. Place a mirror against the wall some distance away so your baby can see himself well.

If your child is very young, lay them face down so they can strengthen their muscles and improve control of their head.

Baby to play in front of the mirror - To_play baby in front of the mirrorOf course, if your child can sit alone, you can sit them down and put some toys on the floor between them and the mirror.

Move a toy closer to the mirror so that your baby can see that he and the “other” baby in the mirror are both interested in this matter.

This exercise trains your baby and encourages them to crawl forward. 

As you can tell, there are many benefits to playing with your baby in front of the mirror.

However, never let your child play unsupervised in front of a mirror leaning against the wall.

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