Not Everything Is Rosy When Breastfeeding

There are many aspects of pregnancy and “motherhood” that have been glossed over for years, including by ourselves.
Not everything is rosy when it comes to breastfeeding

This also includes breastfeeding. Only recently have women dare to speak out loud about the points that are n’t always rosy about breastfeeding without feeling guilty about it.

All about breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is perhaps one of the most fascinating things in the world after conception and pregnancy, a miracle of life. A mother’s body is capable of producing an incredibly perfect, powerful, and nutritious fluid. No laboratory has ever managed, despite the latest technologies, to make them artificially. This is definitely fascinating and should be enough to understand the importance of breastfeeding to our babies.

The positive effects of breast milk on a child’s development are a long list. Among other things, the following aspects:

  • Breastfeeding strengthens the child’s immune system.
  • Breast milk has a positive effect on the baby’s intelligence.
  • Breastfeeding babies are more emotionally balanced.
  • Unnecessary financial expenses are avoided when breastfeeding.
  • Simplifies the baby’s care at the beginning, as no bottles etc. have to be washed while breastfeeding.

We could go on and on about the wonderful aspects of breastfeeding, but that’s not what this article is about. Rather, we want to deal with the difficult aspects, about which little is spoken.

Breastfeeding can be a little painful

Breastfeeding can be painful for some women, especially at the beginning. If this is the case with you, you should know that many other women like you do. This phase passes and the pain disappears. Remain optimistic and confident that, by breastfeeding, you have made the best nutrition decision for your child.

Avoid listening to creepy breastfeeding stories that didn’t have a happy ending. That doesn’t have to apply to you.

Breastfeeding makes you tired

Milk production represents an enormous expenditure of energy for your body. It is no accident that many women lose significant weight while breastfeeding.

Take care of yourself. Your baby’s development is worth getting rest and getting enough sleep. Everything else can wait.

Mother while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding takes time

Mothers spend a lot of time sitting when breastfeeding their babies. Depending on the amount of milk, up to 45 minutes. In addition, there is the time that is needed to change and do a little work. This time is usually even more precious when you don’t have housekeeping or have other children to look after.

It is a challenge to be able to organize yourself in order to carry out all household tasks in the best possible way. In addition, you have a baby to look after, you have to go shopping, you want to take care of yourself …

The reality is: you won’t be able to do anything. However, it is not something that you cannot achieve with skill, organization, and prioritization.

Relax, be flexible. Not everything has to be perfect all the time. The dishes can sometimes wait a night and the laundry does not have to be washed immediately. Ask a friend or family member to help out with shopping. You are sure to find many alternatives. Show that you can delegate and procrastinate.

Breastfeeding determines your activities

You can only leave the house for a few hours while breastfeeding your baby, unless you can take him or her with you. The baby needs you every 3 or 4 hours, and you also need to give or express the milk.

So there is no other option than to organize your errands and plan the times when your baby wants to eat. Find a place where you feel comfortable.

Don’t be intimidated by outdated concepts. Give your child a pacifier if necessary. Certain blankets or blouses with special openings can help you to cover yourself and to feel more comfortable.

Breastfeeding is something beautiful to be proud of. Be discreet about this, but don’t fail to do it. Find a place that is comfortable for you – not for everyone else.

Breastfeeding in public is the only way you can engage in specific activities and have your own time.

Breastfeeding with a baby book

Sometimes clothes get dirty when breastfeeding

Sometimes the milk flow cannot be controlled. Even if you use nursing pads, your t-shirt can get wet. This is not a problem. Since you leave the house with a diaper bag anyway, just pack two or three items of clothing for you to change and you’re done!

You have a right to feel bad about yourself

Sometimes you feel overwhelmed, tired from your sore breasts, or from being unable to complete errands in the same amount of time as you did before you became pregnant. That is normal! Allow yourself to cry, protest, and say what you think. That doesn’t make you a bad mom or a person who can’t take care of a baby. It just makes you a normal person. When these moments are over, you will feel stronger. You can do anything, you are a mother!

To enjoy breastfeeding, you should take care of yourself. Respect yourself and accept that everything is not always rosy when breastfeeding. 

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