My Top Priority After Becoming A Mother

Being a mother motivates me even when my physical and emotional strength is being tested. There is nothing that can stop me from fighting, moving forward and doing what is best for my child.
My top priority after becoming a mom

My top priority after becoming a mother was and is my child. His health, happiness and well-being … There is nothing in the world that is more important to me.

Being a mother motivates me even when my physical and emotional strength is being tested. There is nothing that can stop me from fighting, moving forward and doing what is best for my child.

My mission in life is to pave a path for my child that will allow them to travel safely. The best care and care is just good enough for my little one.

I give my child all my love, protect them and help them whenever they need me. This is my priority after I become a mother, this is my goal in life. 

My two main goals

The second goal is myself. Not myself as an independent and selfish person, but myself as a mother and the need to improve every day.

I work to keep my child from repeating my own mistakes. After all, I want to be a good role model.

In addition, it is important for me to grow intellectually and educate myself so that I can help my child in the future and answer their most important questions.

I want to be a mother who knows how to act humbly and selflessly, without the apathy and competitiveness that shapes the business world.

I don’t want to judge others behind their backs and accept everyone for who they are.

I want to be a little more person every day. Listening to the people I’m talking to instead of pushing my opinion on them.

I would like to communicate disagreements with respect. It is not necessary to be the center of attention in a loud voice.

I want to learn not to lie, not hold grudges and forgive. I would like to try to get rid of negative thoughts. I don’t want to think badly of others or have to constantly suspect.

So now I have to start preparing myself. It will take me many years to become a better person, the mother my child deserves. 

My third priority after becoming a mother

Priority after becoming a mother - Priority after becoming a mother

After I became a mother, things got more complicated. Before the birth, I was convinced that I had enough strength to survive the pain and bring my child into this world.

After that, I realized that labor pain was just the tip of the iceberg.

Dedication, effort and consistency are principles that  accompany a mother on her way, but one only becomes aware of them when the child is already born.

After becoming a mother  , I learned what sacrifice and love at first sight mean.  I learned what absolute devotion means for another person without them being aware of it.

So my third and final priority is to make sure my child knows that I am their mother. I breastfeed, cuddle, bathe, pamper and care for my child and leave everything where it is when it reaches out its hand to me.

It can cry on my shoulder, I always have lovely words ready to cheer up my child. Forgiveness, encouragement and many small steps forward … no matter when and where, I am always there for my child.

Nobody in the world can change my mind or lead me off the path that I have before me. I dedicate commitment, heart and courage to my three main goals.

My first, second and third priority: going through thin and thick to fight for my child and our relationship. 

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