My Father Is Important To Me!

My father is important to me! It has always been present in my upbringing and still plays an important role! This hero of my childhood accompanies me through my life and is my role model. Just like my beloved mother.
My father is important to me!

Fun, strength and loving care – my father stands for all of this.  He is a sturdy man and although he was afraid of hurting me, he held me and saw me so small, helpless and fragile. For me he has reinvented himself and he still carries the key to my heart today. My father is important to me!

My father is important to me – he is pure happiness

The strong arms of my father give me the most healing and comforting hug. They make me express love and make me feel loved. His hugs comfort me when I face crushing obstacles in life.

My father was always the compass in my life. If I don’t know what to do next, I turn to him and he gives me advice – factual and precise. He is a protector and shows me the way.

My father takes me on his shoulders

My father expresses love in words and shows it to me when I need it most. He embodies how I want to be loved, how I should be looked after, how I want to be valued and respected by a future partner. My father is important to me because he demonstrates how to treat a woman correctly, how she can fall in love every day through affection.

My father is stronger and braver than a gladiator. In turbulent times he is as strong as an oak tree and he has words and tenderness that heal.

My father is important to me because he is a fighter

He is a fighter who showed me with his zest for life to approach my own life with perseverance and to care for the people you love. For him, the family comes first. It is pride and joy for him at the same time and he pays back for that.

My father is known to go beyond himself to make me happy with the smallest and seemingly insignificant things. And that’s why I will always be grateful to both my mother and my father, because they take care of my every need.

For all of this and more , I will always defend that this enchanting person full of magic has so much pure and unconditional love in store, which shows in the sweetest gestures, in looks or smiles and which cannot be described in words alone.

My father is important to me back to back

My father has the gift of teaching me how to play

This anonymous hero who gets up at impossible times, comes home tired after a horrific day at work and still spends time with me. Who asks me how my day was, what I learned in school or even play a game with me.

That’s why it’s not only fun with him, because he can also playfully learn with me. It’s more fun learning colors, numbers, and letters by singing or doing anything else only he can think of.

My father is the best goalkeeper. He’s my best warhorse in the park,  a great shark that scares me and makes me laugh when we play in the water and he’s a great comrade when I’m scared of ghosts at night.

For all these reasons and many more, my father is a pillar in my childhood. Let him have the space he deserves, despite all odds, because to have a child it always takes two. My love will be eternal and unconditional for both of my parents. 

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