My Child, I Wish You Healthy Self-love

I want to see your self-love, my child, so that you can love others and be loved!
My child, I wish you healthy self-love

My child, I just want you to love yourself as much as I did from the day you changed my life. Promise me that you will always fight for your happiness to be at peace with yourself. Because  self-love  is the basis for a fulfilled life.

My little darling, promise me that you  will respect yourself and stay true to your beliefs. Don’t let someone impose their thoughts on you or force you to do things that you don’t want to do.

Do not take on the responsibilities of others, but  enjoy your own successes and achievements. 

If you succeed in something, praise yourself; if you make mistakes, learn from them. But always be true to yourself, my child! Know that you are unique, wonderful, and very special. A being full of light, magic and love that you give to others. An extraordinary, noble, benevolent, exemplary, and capable person.

My heart, love you the way you deserve it. Your soul is pure and your heart is big. Your self-love helps you appreciate these values. Recognize the value of your smile, give away your wisdom and life experience. My darling, I just want you to love yourself forever.

I want to see your self-love so that you can love others and be loved

Gemini with self-love

Over time, you will want to live an intense life. Falling in love is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to you in life. To lose your head and heart to someone else.

But in order to be able to truly love, you first need self-love as a foundation.

For this reason, my child,  I wish that you love yourself in order to be able to give away your love and to feel the burning flame in your chest.

Yes, you have to love yourself too in order to be loved by the person who deserves it. Self-love helps you set your limits, including about your body. 

Healthy self-love enables you to love others

Love you to respect and be respected others. Feed with your self-love every day to always give the best of yourself. Never less, always more and always the best.

You have earned your dreams and much more. You have to do whatever you can to achieve your goals. Never give up, do it because you deserve it.

My eternal child, I just want you to love yourself to hug you at every opportunity. So that you are always up to every situation in life. Love yourself, not to escape your fear, but to give life to each of your decisions and each of your goals.

Love yourself, to be responsible in your choice, to love life with all your might. I wish that you love yourself, that on your way you can enjoy what fate has in store for you.

Accept it and be happy with what life gives you and what life expects of you.

I wish that you love yourself for who you are

Girls with self-love

I ask you a simple favor:  love yourself intensely and at all times! With all your virtues and your pride. With all your mistakes, because you’ve learned to live with them. Love yourself to hear your own heartbeat and follow your intuition.

My everything, hug you just to depend on yourself. Fight for your freedom and independence. Get to know the world through your own eyes, enjoy your own company.

Accept yourself, my child!

Get to know yourself in  order to express and satisfy your needs and shortcomings.

I wish that you love yourself as much as I do, so that you can enjoy the intense light that your beautiful smile radiates; so you can hear the sound of your baseless laugh. Love yourself to be comfortable in front of the mirror and indulgent with yourself.

My life, I wish that you love me, but especially my heart’s desire is that you develop a healthy self-love. This is the only way to escape prejudice and prevent frustration.

I just want you to always accept and love yourself. This is the only way you can lead a happy, fulfilling life and that is what I wish you so much, my beloved child. 

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