My Child Doesn’t Want To Go To School. What Can I Do?

A healthy conversation base is essential in these cases to find out more about the causes. If your child was previously not reluctant to go to school, you need to speak to them to find out what is different now.
My child doesn't want to go to school.  What can I do?

For some parents, it is a daily struggle their child in the school to send. Not because they have to get up earlier or adjust their schedule, but because some children don’t like going to school or prefer not to go to school  at all  .

In this case, the first thing to do is to identify the reasons and then to take various measures to make it easier for the child to go to school. 

What to do if my child doesn’t want to go to school?

1. Try to find out the reasons

What to do if my child doesn't want to go to school?

In the first few days it can be quite normal for a child to be reluctant to go to school, because they first have to get used to all the new features and then adapt to everyday life again after the holidays.

But if the problem persists after the adjustment phase, you should get to the bottom of the cause. Why does your child refuse to go to school?

Maybe it’s because of the classmates who make life difficult for the child? Or it doesn’t get on well with its teachers. Or maybe it’s just bored in class. Find out what’s wrong with your child!

2. Talk to your child

A healthy conversation base is essential in these cases to find out more about the causes. If your child was previously not reluctant to go to school, you need to speak to them to find out what is different now.

There has to be a reason why school is now a torment for your child. Talk to your son or daughter about feelings and potential problems.  Support your child in these difficult moments!

3. Talk to the teachers

You should also make an appointment with your child’s teachers to find out what the problem may be. If necessary, talk to the school psychologist or the school management. They may know about things your child hasn’t told you.

When a child doesn’t want to go to school, there  are usually bigger problems. Because normally children like to meet people of the same age, regardless of their academic performance.

4. Talk to other parents

It is also often helpful to talk to other parents of children in the same class. They may be able to provide you with other information that is  helpful.

Perhaps there are other classmates who are dissatisfied and who have informed their parents of the reasons.

5. Does your child sleep enough?

If your child has a hard time getting out of bed in the morning, make sure they are actually getting enough sleep. Maybe it goes to bed too late and is therefore still very tired and powerless in the morning. 

Wake up child in the morning

Another reason could be insomnia. Perhaps the bedroom is too bright or not adequately adjusted to allow a good night’s sleep. Of course, there can also be other reasons that disturb your child’s nocturnal rest.

For example, breathing difficulties very often lead to poor sleep quality. Psychological problems and worries that plague your child can also affect their sleep. 

Find out the causes, because then you can also find an appropriate solution.

6. Behavior in other environments

Don’t forget to watch how your child behaves in other environments. Does it feel good when it is alone without parents? Or is it unsafe then because the dependency is still very high? Once the problem is identified, you can take age-appropriate steps to help your child.

To make your child more independent, you can take them to see their grandparents or friends more often, for example. It will have a lot of fun at a birthday party even without you and will get used to being comfortable in other environments.

It is best to get help from an expert to  better understand your child and to get to the bottom of the exact causes. Listen to your darling carefully and support them in all situations.

Parents have the important task of making their children safe. Observe what is going on in your child and don’t forget to speak to them openly and honestly. It will benefit from it all its life!

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