Mothers Of Babies Know Absolute Chaos

Mothers of babies are a little “crazy”. You leave the rational world and live in a kind of parallel world and stay away from logical decisions, schedules or obligations. With that in mind, mothers of babies need the support of loved ones to get along. It is, after all, a time when the inner and outer worlds are shrouded in absolute chaos.
Mothers of babies know absolute chaos

Mothers of babies are used to crying, diapering, breastfeeding or feeding every day, which sometimes makes them feel like they are in another dimension.

After giving birth, life and daily routine change, which is why some women can no longer recognize themselves and have the feeling of losing their own identity.

Mothers of babies should bond with other mothers.

The role of mothers of babies

While the chaos is most pronounced in the postpartum period, our children’s young years often require us to look at the world through a baby’s eyes and to align our priorities with their needs.

Probably the phrase “I feel like I’m in another world” best expresses how mothers of babies feel. Day in and day out you move between screaming, sleepless nights, colic and diapers.

Mothers of babies live in a kind of parallel world.

Emotional support for mothers of babies

In any case, it is important that mothers of babies immerse themselves in the dream world that is the origin of breastfeeding, crying, advice and recommendations, schedules and other characteristic aspects of this stage.

In order to experience these moments of “separation from the real world” positively, it is advantageous to look for references in the here and now. An example would be talking to other mothers who are in the same phase.

In this way, situations, sensations, experiences and thoughts can be normalized, because you can see that other mothers also have the same experiences.

It is therefore helpful to create an environment in which our experience is not only shared, but also recreated and colored positively.

Mothers of babies can be emotionally supported.

In other words, although the chaos is a negative element at this stage, the fact that we share it and feel accompanied on our way encourages us to accept the identity of a mother of a baby in a positive way with the associated chaos.

It is normal to be upset and immersed in insanity because the amount of suggestions, advice, and conflicting experiences confuses mothers of babies and leads to desperation in finding the right path.

Mothers of babies have their own rhythm.

Other mothers of babies as a support

Mothers of babies alternate between identifying with adults and babies. This, in a way, teaches them what is right and wrong for whom.

One should seek contact with other mothers. They help to recognize what is good for us and how we can cope with this time.

Whatever advice we receive, only that which is closely tied to the emotional history of the individual mother-baby couple will be useful and fruitful.

This shows that only we ourselves know what is good for us. Mothers of babies are often not even aware of what they know and can do.

Understanding that all mothers of babies have their own time and rhythm is the best place to start, when the time is right, to restore the normality we so feared losing.

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