Motherhood Teaches You What Is Really Important

Motherhood teaches us many things. We face daily challenges that, among other things, enable us to develop emotional intelligence and mature internally. 
Motherhood teaches you what is really important

Motherhood teaches us many things. We face daily challenges that, among other things, enable us to develop emotional intelligence and mature internally.

Personal attitudes and perceptions change through the new tasks as a mother. This also means an emotional reshuffle and other priorities.

New views and experiences also open up new possibilities for us to interpret the world. Because responsibility for a small living being allows us to look at everything from a different perspective. 

Now we understand our own mother better and share our worries with other parents. Because they know what is most important for children and parents. 

Emotional intelligence in motherhood

Dealing intelligently with difficult situations is fundamental for a mother. In this way she can help her child to develop healthily on a social and emotional level. 

Almost every day there are challenges that require quick and easy solutions. It is important to be able to empathize with the child, to understand them and to give them tools at hand so that they  can develop their own emotional intelligence. 

Motherhood binds you to your children and makes them think more rationally.

Measuring intelligence on the basis of success is a mistake, according to Daniel Goleman, the founder of the concept of emotional intelligence.

A person who is able to make the right decisions has a very high level of emotional intelligence. Being able to live in harmony with our fellow human beings is a challenge whose skills are not mathematical, verbal or spatial.

The attitude is fundamental in order to be able to fulfill the parental duties successfully. You have to be able to distinguish which things are important and which are secondary.

Some parenting models have developed in such a way that they make the tasks of parents more difficult in practice. Others neglect aspects such as emotional intelligence. And that is of concern to experts in the human psyche.

Emotional maturity in motherhood makes you happy

In order to be a better person, we need to be able to gauge what things are socially and emotionally important. Most experts agree that a high IQ alone does not make you happy.

However, mothers are generally happier  because they mature emotionally and appreciate what is actually important in life. 

“The best parents can do for their children is to be emotionally intelligent beings.”

– Daniel Goleman –

Motherhood allows us to make better use of our emotions. Many whims fade and needs change.

Parents tend to put their children’s interests above their own, which in time makes them experts in dealing with emotions. This is how the children learn to deal with their emotions  better.

Motherhood lets you put your own needs behind so that you can fully focus on your children.

Parents with emotional intelligence can help their children in many ways. You show them to know the real value of things and to develop social skills. They convey harmony and justice and are true masters because of their role model.

Affection and structure  are achieved through empathy and conscious management of our emotions.

Some parents lack  love or commitment, but rather the social skills that will help build healthy relationships. We shouldn’t forget that we don’t always want what is important. But we have to adapt our needs and be more or less realistic.

  • Reading tip: Arlo & Spot: Great film for the whole family

Emotional Skills in Motherhood

We mothers can be proud of our emotional abilities. We quickly learn to deal with our children’s emotions and become an example of tolerance.

With the following examples we can evaluate for ourselves how our emotional intelligence is doing

  • Mothers tolerate frustration, especially when it comes to organization, cleanliness and free time.
  • They know that no one understands their children better than they do themselves. This is the result of the great empathy a mother develops. 
  • Control of  a mother’s verbal and physical language is a reflection of how appropriately they manage feelings.
  • Gratitude, happiness and fulfillment are expressions of conscious motherhood. It teaches you to concentrate on the essentials and improve the present. 
  • Motivation has a face and a name: Mothers focus on encouraging learning processes and the discovery of the world in order to enable the development of their children and their own personalities. They are persistent, enthusiastic and full of motivation because they have a goal in mind!

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