More Than Just A Child: 7 Reasons

We love the second and third child the same as the first. Every being is different and has therefore earned a place in your heart. Having more than one child is the perfect way to give your love to everyone.
More than just a child: 7 reasons

Most couples consider having more than  one child . But the birth rates indicate that families have only one child on average.

Often financial reasons are responsible, but social and other factors also play a role. However, anyone who decides to have more than  one child  knows that there are numerous reasons to do so.

What are the advantages of having more than one child?

Love increases with every child

When the first child is born, we wish that nothing should come between our love for them. But we know that  a mother’s most important job is to distribute love. 

This is not unfair for the oldest child, on the contrary: it is an excellent opportunity to learn and develop love for the sibling.

We love  the second and third child the same as the first. Every being is different and has therefore earned a place in your heart. Having more than one child is the perfect way to give your love to everyone.

The children have playmates

If the age differences are not too great, there is no  better playmate than a sibling. And even if the oldest child is a lot older, the siblings will find ways to play together.

The siblings can be very different, but nevertheless they usually develop a very close relationship with one another.

They learn  to understand each other and often develop similar interests. However, they also accept differences and different tastes. Children have a lot of fun playing together and do not need adults.

Nothing is wasted

The expenses for the second child are usually significantly lower than for the first. Because many things can be used again. Clothes, toys, the cradle and other items are already there. The stroller, child’s chair or car seat can also be used again.

Why just one child?

In most cases  , parents over-buy things for their first child. With the second child, all these things are already there, and you have a lot more experience and know better what you actually need and what you don’t.

Especially if the age difference between the children is small, you can  use a lot that you have already bought for the first offspring. 

The older child will be of help to you

Your oldest child can hardly be older than your second, but still it will always be a little bigger. It is therefore always a bit ahead of its sibling  and is therefore not only the best company, but also exercises responsibility and helps to take care of the little one.

It will develop a protective instinct, which will benefit the little sibling. It  is also a role model that the little one will learn a lot from. 

You learn the importance of sharing

When you don’t have just one child, everyone becomes aware of the importance of sharing. Helping and supporting one another is completely normal. Sharing is a necessity, especially in larger families!

Only children, on the other hand, are used to not having to share anything with others. But if there are several siblings, there is sure to be a dispute about toys or other things. You will also feel unfairly treated at times, but all of this is part of the learning process.

They become masters of negotiation

If there are several siblings, they often have no alternative but to negotiate. Even without parental intervention,  they have to create their own rules and ensure that they are followed. 

Negotiating helps children mature and develop vital tools for life. 

not just one child, but several

It can be very fun when children negotiate with us. Seeing what dialogues and tricks they use to reach an agreement  makes us aware of how they grow and mature. 

You learn to resolve conflicts

As we know,  siblings often quarrel. This is a type of exercise that teaches them to face problems in a healthy way. They also learn to express their point of view and to work towards it.

But what should be emphasized in sibling quarrels is that they learn to settle differences. They will forgive each other and be best friends again. In doing so, they learn tolerance and respect. They also become aware of how much they love each other.

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