Massage Against Constipation In Babies

Constipation can affect adults and children alike, making it difficult to defecate. Most of the time you are stressed and irritated. This condition is common in babies during the first few months of life.
Massage against constipation in babies

A wide variety of causes can lead to constipation: lactose intolerance, diet changes or too little fluid are just a few examples. Also, if the mother consumes excessive milk while breastfeeding, it can cause her baby to become constipated. A massage for constipation  can sometimes work wonders.

How to tell if a baby is constipated

A massage for constipation in babies can help relieve their discomfort

When a child is constipated, they tend to get restless, moody, and nervous.

Flatulence and cramps are then unfortunately inevitable. Pediatricians point out that while breastfeeding a baby will usually empty the bowels after each meal. This frequency decreases in slightly older children who are already eating porridge.

If a baby suffers from constipation, it is necessary to see a pediatrician immediately to avoid this condition becoming chronic. The longer the stool remains in the large intestine, the more painful and difficult it is to defecate.

What factors lead to constipation in babies?

a massage for constipation in babies reduces stress

Diet changes can affect digestion . After all, the body first has to get used to its new diet.

If you start switching to solid food, it is necessary to ensure that you eat a diet rich in fiber.

If you also try to give your child as much fruit and vegetables as possible, you reduce the risk of constipation. At the same time, the little ones are provided with sufficient vitamins and nutrients.

When a baby does not get enough fluids during the day, the body tries to get them in with food to make the stool softer.

That is why a baby needs enough natural juices or water. Digestive disorders are avoided in this way.

Parents should also make sure that their children do not drink too much whole milk. After all, excessive calcium intake can lead to constipation at a young age.

Massage against constipation in babies

Parents should pay particular attention to a balanced diet for their children. This regulates bowel function and prevents constipation. You can also massage the baby’s stomach to stimulate the intestinal tract.

Such an anti-constipation massage involves holding the child’s ankles and massaging the abdomen with continuous and firm movements in a clockwise direction.

Another option is to lay the baby on their back and use the palms of their hands to massage their stomach from top to bottom.

If a baby has difficulty defecating, it can be put on its side first. Then stretch out one leg and move the other in the direction of your stomach for 10 minutes. In this way the intestinal tract is stimulated. You can repeat these exercises 5 to 6 times a day.

Another exercise that most children enjoy is what they call “cycling. To do this, you lay the baby on its back, hold its legs and make pedaling movements.

Make sure that your thighs point towards your stomach in order to activate the intestinal flora and the digestive system.

Babies can also lie on their stomachs and be gently massaged with both hands by their parents. Most of the time, however, the little ones don’t find this position particularly comfortable. You can therefore try to distract them with a toy.

Pediatricians believe that this type of massage is of great help for relieving constipation. It is therefore important for parents to acquire certain techniques in order to alleviate the suffering of their child a little.

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