Magic Sand: A Truly Magical Experience For Children!

Make some time for your kids and create magic sand. This experience will enchant you all. 
Magic sand: a truly magical experience for children!

Magic sand has the wonderful ability to entertain and fascinate the youngest members of your household. Also known as moon sand, it’s easy to make and great fun.

Magic sand owes its name to its peculiarity, because it is flexible and takes on different shapes. 

At the same time, you can prepare it in many different colors and only need a single recipe.

Do you want to know the best about magical sands? You only need a few materials to make it and it is completely recyclable. 

So what are you waiting for Sit down with your kids and get started!

What materials do you need to make magic sand?

As you will see,  you only need a few materials to enchant your little ones with this creation.  You will also be surprised to find that you already have many of the necessary items at home.

Magic sand-magic sand-2Write down the following recipe.  If you mix these four or five ingredients together, you are guaranteed to see the amazement on your children’s faces. 

And they’ll be grateful to you for a lot of fun.

You need:

  • colored sand
  • water
  • Washing-up liquid
  • Cornstarch
  • Glitter (optional)

There is no better gift for your child.

Magic sand: a step-by-step guide

  • The first thing you’ll need is a large, deep bowl to prepare the original mix. You pour  all of the colored sand into this. You can let your child choose the color. Add a spoonful of cornstarch. Stir everything well until you get a uniform mass. Make sure you have dissolved any lumps of starch in the sand.
  • In another bowl, mix a spoonful of water and a drop of detergent together until you get a homogeneous liquid.
  • Then you add the soapy water to your originally dry sand-starch mixture. Mix everything well to get a moist batter.
  • Take the mixture out of the bowl so you can knead it better with your hands. Like cookie dough. Let your child help too!
  • If you want to give your magic sand a more glamorous look, you can add a little more glitter. For a better result, choose glitter that is the same color as the sand.
  • If you’ve kneaded the mixture well, you’ll end up with a substance that is similar to plasticine, only more fragile. Your magic sand is ready to play.

Don’t forget: magic sand is not edible!

How Much Magic Sand Should You Make?

Remember, the exact measurements will depend on how much sand you plan to make. 

We recommend making a mixture of around 100 grams. However, it is up to each family themselves how much magic sand is best suited to their requirements.

Proper storage of your magic sand is also important. He should never stand around openly.

When your children are done playing, put the sand in an airtight box or bag.  Otherwise it dries out quickly.

Magic sand-magic sandProper storage ensures that you can have fun on your sand for a long time.

As soon as you hold your magic sand in your hands, you will be glad that you tried it. This mix seems to move on its own.

There are many benefits to playing with magic sand. For example, it does not stain or smell strongly. Because the sand sticks together, your kids can play with it without spilling anything. 

The ingredients are antibacterial. Playing with magic sand is a way for children to learn new materials and develop their fine motor skills. It also stimulates their creativity.

So what are you waiting for Make some time for your children and create magic sand. This experience will enchant you all.

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