Life In The Womb: Emotional Effects

What you experience in the womb determines how you will feel throughout your life. It is therefore important to know what babies are feeling. You can learn more about this topic in this article.  
Life in the Womb: Emotional Impact

Although we are learning more and more about life in the womb, we still do not know much about this important stage. In this article we will explore how babies feel during pregnancy and the emotional impact that life in the womb has on them.

Life in the Womb: What Babies Feel and Suffer

Although experts have long thought that development in the womb was entirely biological, they now know that emotions also play a role.

In essence, mothers communicate their emotional state to their babies through hormones and physiological responses.

From the sixth week of pregnancy , babies can hear the surrounding rhythmic noises. For example, they notice the movement of the amniotic fluid or their mother’s heartbeat. In fact, they really like these sensations.

From week 12 onwards, babies are sensitive to their mother’s feelings. They can hear and recognize their mother’s voice and love that voice. In fact, they also know whether their mother is calm or fearful. They can also tell whether you are speaking lovingly or not.

Although babies do not yet have emotions, they still have feelings based on the thoughts, feelings, and words they received from their mother. As a result, they feel happy, calm, scared, or frightened.

They also learn to feel loved or rejected by her based on their mother’s reactions.

Life in the womb has a bigger impact than we think, because babies then begin to develop beliefs and behaviors that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Life in the Womb: Emotional Impact

Life in the womb has a bigger impact than you might think. Even at this early stage, babies begin to develop beliefs and behaviors that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Stress and anxiety are emotional states that you learn quickly. Babies who experience negative and painful emotions during pregnancy are at greater risk of having a difficult delivery.

In addition, they also suffer from insomnia and are more prone to colic, cry more and are less sociable. It could also affect your IQ and increase your risk of developing ADHD.

On the other hand, children who experience a lot of positive emotions are born with a higher weight, eat and sleep without problems, and have better immune systems. You will be happy, peaceful, and even-tempered people.

Additionally, if you feel fulfilled and happy frequently during pregnancy , your baby will remember this information in their cellular memory. It will strive to experience these moments throughout its life. Therefore, it will be happier overall.

Love your baby so that your baby can love too

But it’s not just your feelings that influence your baby’s emotional development. What you think about it will also have a huge impact.

Babies who live in happy surroundings and get everything they need from their mothers will feel calm. You will experience security and love and develop peacefully.

Children who are wanted develop knowing that they are loved and protected. Additionally, these feelings will be with them throughout their adult lives.

On the other hand, babies who are not planned or wanted and who do not feel loved feel rejected. They feel the negative feelings that their mothers have towards them and life in the womb during the nine months is characterized by insecurity for them.

This is because the person who has to give them love and nourishment and on whom they are dependent does not love them.

When a pregnant woman loses a loved one, and that loss leaves her in a state of deep sadness and, as a result, ignores the pregnancy, the baby feels helpless.

On the other hand, if mothers are stressed or afraid of work, their baby will feel those worries too. The same applies to cases in which the mothers feel abandoned or abused by their spouse. Because the baby will feel abandoned and abused as a result.

Care for a positive life in the womb through loving speech and singing

Have a positive life in the womb

So what can you do to ensure that your baby has positive experiences while living in the womb?

  • Talk to him or her, sing your baby a song, or read stories to him. Use your voice and the voice of your partner to create an emotional bond with your baby. Talk to your baby in a loving way.
  • Try to put yourself in happy and positive places. Also, spend time in nature. For example, you could go for a walk in the park.
  • Play soft music for your baby. This will help him feel calm and happy.
  • Visualize your baby with positive traits. Imagine that it is happy, successful, and loved at every stage of life.

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