Letter To My Nanny

Dear nanny, …
Letter to my nanny

My dear nanny, I hope that you, your family and your friends are all well. I wish you good health and happiness. 

This morning I barely had a moment to raise my eyebrows, smile and greet you with a small gesture.

The pressures of work and daily life don’t leave me time to meet you to talk. I always make it up to myself. I want you to know that I see you not just as our nanny but as a friend and even a close relative.

Never mind that I barely know your name and surname. Dates that I memorized when I knew that as a nanny, I would entrust my most precious treasure to you.

What is most important and should be is to acknowledge your humanity. All of your values ​​and the affection you give without expecting the same from others.

I am writing this letter to praise your good work as a nanny. In the short time we have known each other and the little contact we have, I could never overlook your good work.

I am also writing this letter to you to pour my heart out to you and to be completely sincere. Perhaps more sincere than I might be if we spoke face to face.

With total sincerity, I want to speak to you about the fear I feel in the morning when I see you hug, kiss and hug the most important person in my life.

About the fear I have every afternoon when I come home and I see how you dress, comb and pamper her … In these moments I am afraid that one day she might want to stay with you and not come home.

I know this may even make you smile because you know how unrealistic that sounds. But we mothers are sometimes like that. So I ask you to understand me.

I am writing you this letter to tell you about the healthy envy I feel. I see the hugs that are given, the looks that cross and the many, many hours that you talk and play with each other.

But I wanted to express my praise to you with this letter. I want to tell you how much I admire you for your dedication and love that you put into your work every day. You are like a second mother to my child.

And I’m also writing to you about a request my little one had last night before going to sleep.

In his and my name, we want you to receive these lines as a simple but warm tribute to Mother’s Day.

I know nature hasn’t given you the opportunity to have a baby just yet.

I can hardly imagine how happy you must be to hold so many small children as nannies in your arms who are developing under your care – including mine.

Letter to my nannies - mother and daughter

How blessed you must be for the job you have chosen to do. A job that enables you to enjoy those important and unique moments when we should be mothers to our children. We love her so much, but because it is necessary to support our family financially, we sometimes miss these moments.

The first steps when you say Mama for the first time, when you embark on a new adventure …

While you may not be able to imagine this, there is no doubt that if someone deserves praise and gifts on that day, it is you.

In closing, I hope that you are aware of the affection and gratitude that my little one and I feel for you. Because you make it happy, raise it, love it, protect it and teach it almost everything it knows.

Thank you for treating it like your own child and accompanying it in its life like your own child.

I hope that life will soon bless you with a child of your own. So that you too can experience firsthand what it means to be a mother.

Letter to my nannies - nanny with childI would like to congratulate you, give you these flowers and wish you all the best in this world.

I hope that you will continue to maintain your good character and the inexhaustible love that is so important to children.

I wish you a nice day and good luck.

Thanks again,

A mother.

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