Kissing Babies On The Mouth – Why We Advise Against It!

Surely you’ve seen mothers kiss their babies on the mouth. And there are loving mothers who love to express their affection in this way.
Kissing babies on the mouth - why we advise against it!

Although you have observed it or are doing it yourself, you may have wondered if this habit is also healthy for your little one? Here we explain why kissing babies on the mouth is an obvious expression of affection and should still be avoided!

Of course there are discussions about the pros and cons. If you have any doubts about this, the best thing you can do is to find out about it.

That’s why we’ve put everything you need to know about it together for you.

Kissing Babies on the Mouth: A Form of Affection

Being a mother can be so fulfilling that we often express our affection with great enthusiasm. And we often think that a kiss on the mouth is the most tender and loving way of doing it for our children.

As the babies are happy to accept this, we feel encouraged and this kind of tenderness gradually becomes a habit.

But is that really healthy? 

Let us remind ourselves that for us humans health consists of both emotional and physical health.

So if we’re wondering whether it’s even healthy to kiss babies on the mouth, we have two answers.

Physical health

Physical contact with babies is recommended to strengthen the mother-child bond, and both of them enjoy it. However, kissing babies on the mouth is not advisable as it can transmit harmful viruses and bacteria to the child.

Our body is much stronger than that of the baby, because we are fully grown and can therefore ward off various threats from our environment. This is why health experts advise against kissing children on the mouth.

Mother child bond

A question of hygiene

Kissing babies on the mouth is unfortunately an unsanitary practice.

Numerous contagious diseases can be transmitted through kissing, from the flu to glandular fever. Even medium- and long-term gum problems in the child can be caused by a simple kiss.

Let us not forget that we often lick our lips to moisten them and that we pass on potential viruses and bacteria that we carry to the baby. It’s catastrophic.

There have also been cases where parents or babysitters have infected children with diseases such as cytomegalovirus or other viral diseases through saliva, shaking someone else’s hand, or sneezing in the crook of their arm.

Of all the diseases that we can spread through kissing, there is one that is even called “kiss sickness”. It belongs to the family of herpes diseases.

Emotional health

Babies like kisses because it reminds them of breastfeeding. The contact with the lips is similar and therefore triggers satisfaction in them. But even if that may seem positive, it is not.

According to health experts, kissing children on the mouth is not advisable from a psychological-emotional point of view as it can be confusing. 

Even for us, kissing is an expression of love and tenderness. It can therefore be quite confusing for children when they grow up realizing that this is also an expression of affection between couples.

Kissing on the mouth between parents and children is normal in many cultures and it is okay to respect this tradition. But ideally we should slowly but surely get rid of this practice – to protect our children. 

Namely, the little ones can get confused and think that this is something they can do with all people.

Because for them there is no differentiation and that is why we are there to show them that affection can be expressed in very different ways and that kissing on the mouth is something that is reserved for our most intimate relationships.

So can’t I kiss my baby on the mouth?

According to experts, kissing on the mouth of children between the ages of 3 and 11 can send the wrong message. Sometimes it even results in trauma, which then affects them in their youth or adult life.

It is therefore not advisable. If we really want to be responsible about the health of our children, then it is best that we avoid kissing our children on the mouth.

Experts on infectious childhood diseases have an even more radical opinion. They insist that this be stopped immediately in order to avert illnesses in babies.

Mother kisses baby on the cheek

Kissing your baby is a one-time process to strengthen the mother-child bond and to express your affection. But always keep one fundamental aspect in mind: his health comes first.

Aside from that, there are many other ways to show your love, you just have to find it.

Recommendations – alternatives for the kiss on the mouth

Avoid kissing your baby on the mouth, wash your hands thoroughly, don’t blow on the baby’s food, or use your toothbrush on the children.

Don’t pre-chew the food when your baby starts to eat. It is better to use a blender or juicer to prevent germs and viruses from being passed on.

Remember, you already have antibodies to fight certain diseases, but your baby has not yet developed these defense mechanisms.

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