Influence Of Siblings In Adolescence

Adolescence is a complicated stage in life that can also affect sibling relationships. 
Sibling influence in adolescence

There is no doubt that siblings exert a great influence on one another in adolescence . It is a time of change when the family is of secondary importance. The most important role model now is the young person’s circle of friends.

This is why the relationship between siblings often suffers during this time. Before they played together, but now they disturb each other and sometimes turn into almost unknown people. 

The relationship that siblings established during childhood is also fundamental in  adolescence  .

You grow up with your siblings, you may have even seen them come into the world or you have helped with their upbringing.  That is why parents keep repeating to their children that siblings are best friends who will unconditionally accompany each other for the rest of their lives. 

What influences the relationship between siblings in adolescence

  • The character of the brother or sister will make the relationship easier or more difficult.
  • The age difference also plays an important role. The bigger it is, the less experiences the siblings can share. That is why they are often less closely related.
  • The upbringing and treatment the siblings received from their parents is also important. If the adolescent feels that their brother or sister is receiving preferential treatment, they may hold grudges or be jealous. This can complicate the relationship between the siblings and lead to rivalries.
  • The interests of the siblings. The more interests and preferences they share, the easier it will be for them to maintain a good relationship with one another.

Siblings in adolescence

Adolescence and cognitive development

In this phase of life, the brain is reorganized and synaptic connections are broken down. The brain matures between the ages of 12 and 20.

Cognitive skills and auto regulation are perfected during this time. For this, among other things, learning through personal experience is necessary.

To achieve this, the brain experiences morphological and functional changes through the breakdown, formation and reorganization of neural connections.

In search of your own identity

In addition to the reorganization of the brain that occurs in adolescence, there are several things to consider:

  • Physical and hormonal changes
  • The influence of the social context on the young person
  • The search for meaning and one’s own identity
  • New social situations that young people have to solve themselves.

All of these factors lead to emotional changes that are sometimes difficult to understand and manage, both for the adolescent and those around them.

This in turn often causes  a distancing from the family and also a change in the relationship with the siblings. 

Brother or sister, who were always accomplices and playmates, now cause stress, anger, ridicule or indifference. This means that the (younger) sibling notices the absence of his role model and is in a bad mood and sad. 

How can you foster good sibling relationships in adolescence?

The best recipe for fostering a good sibling relationship that continues through adolescence is to start from birth. A democratic and respectful upbringing without distinction between the siblings is essential for this.

As much as possible, children should participate in decisions that affect them.

Once the foundation is in place, here are some tips that you can use:

  • Encourage your teenage child to hang out  with their brother or sister. Of course, this shouldn’t have a negative impact on his own activities. The young person can, for example, take his or her sibling to extracurricular activities or take care of him or her when the parents are not at home.
  • Let your teenage child know what it means to their brother or sister. Most importantly, you need to prevent them from feeling like a rival in order to foster the sibling relationship. 
  • Remind your child that small changes in how they treat their little sibling can improve the relationship.

Brother in adolescence helps sister

  • Don’t make comparisons between siblings. The most important thing is not to favor any.
  • Teach them to solve problems. You are available to your youngsters when they need you, but you also respect their decisions. Of course, you have to set boundaries if necessary. 
  • Explain to both of them what adolescence means:  the step from child to adult and everything that comes with it.

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