Increased Breast Milk Production

First mothers in particular, who have no experience yet, ask themselves many questions at the beginning of breastfeeding. You are afraid of running out of milk and want to learn more about the milk donor reflex. However, today’s article is about the increased milk production. Read on to learn more about it. 
Increased breast milk production

At some times there is increased  breast milk production,  which is very beneficial for the baby. But how and why does it come about? We will then explain to you how certain hormones influence this process.

You will also discover why, as a mother, you play a fundamental role in your child’s healthy diet. 

Prolactin: main actor in breast milk production

The hormone responsible for stimulating the mammary glands is called prolactin. Therefore, from the third trimester of pregnancy, the prolactin levels gradually increase.

However, once the placenta is expelled during delivery  , the prolactin can trigger breast milk productionThe prolactin level remains very high for months after birth.
But milk production also depends on how often the baby is breastfed.  If the baby is suckling very often, more milk will be produced. However, should the child suckle little milk, breast milk production will decrease.

When does increased breast milk production occur?

Whenever the child is breastfed, the prolactin level increases 10 to 20 times. Therefore, there is an increased production of breast milk.

The highest values ​​are reached  when the baby is suckling at night, around 20 to 40 minutes after the start of breastfeeding. The increased milk production can last around 3 to 4 hours.

increased breast milk production from breastfeeding at night

Most breast milk is produced between two and six in the morning. It is therefore advisable to breastfeed the baby whenever he feels like it. 

How does the hormone oxytocin affect breast milk?

The hormone oxytocin plays an extremely important role during childbirth and breastfeeding. It allows milk to flow spontaneously while the mother feels a contraction and a tingling sensation in the breast. 

This is a sign that the milk is starting to flow, and a few droplets may also come out.

The mother’s thoughts can stimulate oxytocin production. They are therefore essential to trigger the flow of milk. When the mother tries to breastfeed the child or hears her crying child, breast milk production is stimulated.

However, negative thoughts inhibit milk production. As a result, the mother can produce less milk or sometimes no milk at all.

Why breastfeed the baby at night?

It is advisable to breastfeed the child at night. Because at this time, breast milk production will be better stimulated and the baby will gain weight faster.

It was also found that children  sleep better at night after breastfeeding. Because prolactin also has a relaxing effect on the mother and the baby.

Another reason to breastfeed the baby at night is to reduce the risk of infection for the mother. Clogged nipples due to the accumulation of milk can also be prevented more easily. Because this usually happens when the child is not breastfed for a long time.

Is It Necessary to Produce More Milk?

There is usually enough breast milk for the baby. Sucking on the breast stimulates production. However, in some cases this is insufficient and additional stimulation is required.

For example, if the baby has lost a lot of weight, or if the baby is premature, more breast milk may be needed. It can of course also happen that mother and child are separated in hospital for health reasons.

nursing mother

In these cases, the doctor may prescribe drugs with a milk-producing effect. Most often the drug domperidone is used.

Another very effective solution:  express milk for five minutes on each breast. A breast pump is used every hour during the day. At night you take a break for 4 hours. This can stimulate the formation of prolactin, which also improves breast milk production.

Increasing breast milk production will help your child  meet their needs and grow quickly and healthily.  Enjoy breastfeeding with your baby, because the bond between mother and child is strengthened.

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