I Have Loved You Since Your First Heartbeat

I love you, have always loved you and will always love you in the future.
I have loved you since your first heartbeat

I’ve loved you since your first heartbeat announced your existence. From that moment on, I knew you would become my favorite person; my hero in this chaotic world. Little did I realize that I would never be alone again.

The moment will come when every woman dreams of becoming a mother. Because motherhood is probably the only university degree where you first receive the diploma and only then study the subject at home in your “own university”.

Almost all of us have longed for the moment when a part of us says goodbye to the cradle of our belly so that we can finally embrace it. But we long even more with all our might to finally feel the unmistakable symptoms of pregnancy.

When you finally get to hear the heartbeat of this little heart during the first ultrasound examinations, you will just be too overwhelmed by your feelings. The heartbeat is the proof: there is finally life in you. Over time, a pair of arms and legs begin to use their movements to remind you that happiness can take many forms. This time, happiness comes in the form of a child.

I’ve loved you since your first heartbeat.

since your first heartbeat

The love a mother feels after struggling through the process of childbirth is impressive and unimaginable at the same time. The depth of their dedication is unparalleled and difficult to understand. It begins with the moment when the mother sees her child for the first time and holds it in her arms. She hovers on cloud nine.

I remember your first little movements. At the very beginning, they filled my stomach with butterflies full of love and emotion. Then your hands and elbows came in and you put the most beautiful smile on my face. I also had fears because sometimes I dreamed that I was holding you in my arms in heaven.

Then the miracle I had been waiting for finally happened: Our first blind date! There was no more time for mistakes and bankruptcies. I knew I was going to meet the love of my life. A love that would set itself apart from all the others. A love that would be profound, pure, unconditional and, above all, imperishable and immortal.

My heart was almost bursting with happiness. And even if the pride has slumbered in me since the first positive pregnancy test, I never felt as proud and happy as when you said the word “mom” in your little voice.

The world changed forever for me with that word. She got a different meaning. I felt like I was blessed by all the angels in the world at the same time. Right from the start, being a mother has been a hike on a path full of feelings, dreams and impressions.

Before I could even touch your face, I loved you

since your first heartbeat

I have loved you for a very long time. Longer than you can possibly imagine. I imagined a face right from the start. I didn’t even know if I was waiting for a prince or a princess. My body and my home have prepared for you with all the joy.

My best friend and confidante lived in my stomach. The person who could confirm to anyone that they know me better than anyone. I talked to you every day and every night, caressed you and sang something to you. I knew that you could feel my presence because I could feel your heartbeat as well. This fact gave me wings during pregnancy because it allowed me to feel our unique bond.

Of course, not everything went perfectly during this long period of waiting. Sometimes I was overwhelmed by fear. So many doubts, emotions and a general restlessness. Sometimes it almost seemed as if the world was about to end. And so I had to face the difficulties first before I could achieve fame.

I struggled with hunger pangs, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, insomnia, back pain, and indigestion. But I decided to pay that price for love. I found it difficult to continue financing the great life we ​​had behind us. But in the end all the worries were worth it! I knew that very well when you looked at me for the first time and I kissed your nose.

The day you came into my life I realized that I would never be alone again. I made a commitment to take care of you and protect you with my own life. I made a promise to myself that nothing would ever happen to you and that you would want for nothing.

I vowed to teach you to see the world with your heart. And although I can’t always protect you from falls, I swear to you that I’ll rush to your side and help you get up. I offered you my love and respect so that you can learn something about these things every day. Because I love you, I sewed wings for you. With them you can fly as high as you want in life.

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