I Am Preparing To Be Your Mother

I dream of you my darling I don’t know yet what gender you will be or what you will be, but I love you like nothing else in the world. I’ll give you the best of me
I am preparing to be your mother

You already reside in my mind and heart, my darling. Even if you are not yet planned, you are present in our thoughts, in our conversations. We’ve already bought books on motherhood and I read everything to prepare myself to be your mother  with every line  .

Your father and I feel  that the possibility of having you is getting closer and closer. We talk a lot about you, my child.

We really want to have you and I already love you. I dream of you my darling I still don’t know what gender you will be or how you will be,  but I love you like nothing else in the world.  I’ll give you the best of me

During the time I was preparing to be  your mother  , I learned  that as parents we need to improve our diet and lifestyle in order to live healthy and harmonious.

Our harmony will welcome you and I assure you that you will have a home full of love as you deserve it.

Parents think of child

I try to learn new things and develop myself personally,  because my wish is to give you love in abundance  and to be a gentle, understanding mother.

However, that doesn’t mean I want to be permissive and too soft. It is not easy, my darling, but as you can see, I am preparing for the important task of being your mother.

I want to be a conscious mother

Every day I am more aware that  preparing for motherhood is not just nine months of pregnancy. You have to start much earlier. 

I now know that every thought, emotion and feeling in me is capable of producing a number of chemical substances in my body that reach you via the blood as soon as you live in my womb.

That’s why I try every day  to experience wonderful situations, listen to pleasant music and enjoy healthy food.  I do this because I can find peace and prepare the best home for you.

I want to make these exercises, which I practice more and more often and more passionately, a habit  to favor your development as soon as you are there.  It is my wish to nourish you with beauty and harmony, with my pure love and gentleness.

With peace, harmony and equilibrium you can develop in peace, because I now know  that all my memories, every picture, every sound, every food and every wish will pass into your cells,  into your hearing, your eyes, your head , will imprint your arms, legs and your heart.

I am waiting to become your mother.

I am preparing to be your mother

I am preparing for you, my child. Because I am also aware that when the opposite happens,  when I observe violent situations and find myself in an uncomfortable atmosphere,  my body releases chemical stress substances when you grow up inside me.

I don’t want you to be nourished with  fear, hostility, and nervousness. On the contrary: As your mother, I want to awaken love, peacefulness, optimism and virtues in you.

That is why I am preparing myself so that you  can be nourished with it as my little belly-dweller. As soon as we hold you in our arms, Papa and I will endeavor to strengthen these virtues.

During your development you have the ability to associate my sensory impulses with feelings and,  like all babies, you can identify feelings that nourish you.

Science has shown us that life begins long before birth. Therefore, as your mother, I want to give you the best of me, to be the best mother. And that’s why I’m preparing for it.

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