How To Remove Your Baby’s Mucus

Mucus is a thick liquid substance that often forms in a baby’s first few months of life. What can parents do to get rid of it?
How to remove your baby's mucus

It is normal for children to develop mucus and pus at a young age. But many parents worry about it. Especially if there is a large amount of mucus or symptoms are recurring.

Cough, insomnia, difficulty breathing, and even vomiting are some of the most common consequences.

This gel-like substance forms in the airways of the little ones.

It is commonly known as “snot” when the secretion comes from the nose. When it comes out of the throat or mouth, it is called ” phlegm .”

Snot and phlegm are often signs of the flu, although they can also be symptoms of a common cold.

This substance acts as a barrier and prevents bacteria and viruses from spreading.

Slime acts as a lubricant to reduce irritation and also trap germs. Therefore, mucus in and of itself is not harmful.

Problems that can arise from mucus

Babies have not yet developed the skills to spit and blow their noses to get rid of mucus. This creates a cough and discomfort.

The mucus multiplies and causes blockages in the nose, throat, and even ears. This can lead to infection, inflammation, and general malaise.

Mucus can also affect the lungs. A significant amount can result in a lung infection or swelling of the lungs.

But still there is nothing to worry about. Phlegm and snot rarely lead to more serious illnesses.

Another symptom that may appear is loose stools. Since babies don’t know how to spit, they swallow the mucus, which in turn fills their bellies.

If he stays there it can produce nausea or even vomiting. So, finding mucus in your baby’s stool isn’t that bad.

Remove mucus

Consult a professional

Taking your child to the pediatrician is never a bad idea.

If your baby’s symptoms don’t improve over time, or if other symptoms develop, such as a fever and chronic cough, then you should definitely call the doctor.

Generally, your child’s doctor will order laboratory tests to rule out related diseases. If your child is healthy, then your doctor is unlikely to prescribe medication to get rid of the mucus.

Whether medication is necessary or not, the doctor will be able to provide professional advice on how to manage symptoms correctly at home.

For example, your pediatrician might recommend a saline solution or a steam shower to help your child feel better.

How to fight phlegm and pus at home

The most important thing is to stay calm. Keeping your baby’s nasal cavity and mouth clean is usually a simple task.

Saline solution is very helpful and you can buy it in the form of a spray, liquid, or drop at the nearest pharmacy.

Ideally, you should look for a place to put your baby on his side. Hold his arms tight to keep him from pushing your hands away.

Then you slide the applicator all the way into your baby’s nose and squeeze out the saline solution. Wait a few seconds, then repeat the process for the other nostril.

The saline solution will combine with the pus in your baby’s nasal passage, and the liquefied mixture will drain straight out.

It is helpful to have gauze on hand to wipe away the liquid right away. The procedure may startle your baby, so be ready to calm and comfort him as soon as possible.

If there is still some mucus in your baby’s airway, use a rubber nasal aspirator to suck up the remaining fluid. If you don’t already have one, you can find these nipples at the nearest pharmacy.

Gently squeeze the end of the teat with your thumb before inserting the tip of the instrument into your child’s nose. When you release the pressure at the end, the teat will create a vacuum to remove the excess pus away.

Nasal suckers are very effective tools, but you shouldn’t use them too often.

Inserting the instrument can cause irritation inside your baby’s nose. Hence, it is important to be careful to avoid injury.

Aspiration through the mouth

Although nasal aspirators are most commonly used for the nose, they can also remove mucus from the throat.

At the end, squeeze the nipple and place the tip on the end of the tongue. Release again to clear the mucus in your baby’s mouth.

Try to do this as quickly as possible to avoid gagging or vomiting.

Another method for removing the pus involves using your fingers. Wrap your index finger in sterile gauze and gently insert the tip into your child’s mouth for a few seconds.

No pressure is necessary – you just gently pull your finger out again and the mucus will stick to the gauze.

General care

Keep your baby adequately hydrated. This is an important way to avoid phlegm.

Regularly providing fluids will thin the pus. It will also aid the baby’s digestion and prevent your child’s throat and nose from drying out.

Remember, babies younger than 6 months should only drink breast milk or formula.

Warm baths can also provide relief and keep your child’s mouth and nose moist.

Last but not least, using a humidifier is also an excellent idea.

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