How Can I Teach My Child To Be Dangerous?

The child is curious and wants to explore everything, it is not afraid and knows no danger. The mother, on the other hand, worries that something might happen to him. 
How can I teach my child dangers?

When the child starts crawling or walking, a world of danger  opens up  to them, which worries and scares mothers a lot.

You  have to be constantly chasing the child and never lose sight of them in  order to save them from possible injuries, falls or accidents. Because its movements are still clumsy and it does not know where the sources of danger are.

The child is curious and wants to explore everything, it is not afraid and knows no danger. The mother, on the other hand, worries that something might happen to him. 

It is therefore essential to eliminate various sources of danger,  to protect the child from possible accidents and to teach them where  dangers are  hidden. 

Then learn more about this topic.

Protect child from danger

Why doesn’t my child see any dangers?

Psychologists know that first brain structures are developed that are responsible for emotions, affects, sensory functions, motor functions, etc. The internalization of rules, the concept of danger, the ability to abstract and certain behavioral patterns develop very early,  but this development extends until the age of 18. 

By the age of 10 to 12, a child can already think abstractly and has the ability to foresee risks. But this also depends on their environment, the upbringing and the information a child receives about dangers in everyday life.

Informing a child about dangers does not mean creating fear

Not every danger can be avoided,  because children have infinite energy and thirst for knowledge, which can lead to dangerous situations. Acquiring new psychomotor skills makes children love risk and difficult things.

You must therefore always be careful to avoid accidents and unnecessary fright. But if danger does arise, you have to explain to your child why the situation is dangerous and what could happen. 

The point is not to scare the child, but to teach them basic safety measures to protect them from danger. It has to learn what consequences certain actions or situations can have. Be patient and persistent with this in order to be successful.

Certain sources of danger in the house can of course also be eliminated, there are many options: safety plugs, safety locks for windows or doors, safe railings for stairs or terraces, etc.

However, you shouldn’t make the mistake of protecting your child too much. It must have the opportunity to learn from its own mistakes and should not be restricted too much. It’s just a matter of warning the child of danger, showing them safety measures and raising them to react cautiously in certain situations.

Dangers in sports

Awareness of dangers

As soon as the child is 5 to 6 years old, they learn more and more about their surroundings and possible risks. They are sure to have unpleasant experiences,  such as falls, which cause pain, and feel anxious and nervous in certain situations.

Experts point out that a child only learns when something is dangerous at an advanced age  Often they avoid dangerous situations not because they classify them as dangerous, but because they do not want to suffer pain.

At the age of 10 to 12 years, the frontal lobe and the ability to inhibit develop. As a result, children can gradually understand abstract concepts better. Practical intelligence also makes them aware of dangers.

Experts assure that  the best way to raise awareness of the dangers in children is to  give them clear information. There is no need for long, boring and exaggerated dialogues, but games and symbols can be very helpful.

Also, point them out of the possible consequences,  but be calm and don’t frighten them by doing so. Stories and narratives or certain television films can also be very helpful in pointing out sources of danger and their consequences. You end up with a moral that children can learn a lot from.

How do I show my child where dangers are hiding?

Mental health experts suggest  that children need to discover their world for themselves. Parents should limit themselves to supporting them, minimizing risks and preventing accidents.

The following tips can help:

  • Show your child to stay calm.
  • Feed their confidence so they can explore their surroundings on their own.
  • Explain what a hazard is and what the consequences are.
  • Clear examples to avoid danger are very helpful.
  • Use games and fables to show your child where dangers might be hiding.

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