Help Your Child Improve Their Writing! 5 Tips

You can practice with your child early on so they can learn the importance of being able to write legibly. It has to know that this is the only way others can decipher its writing.
Help your child improve their writing!  5 tips

Children usually do not give much thought to their  writing. Therefore, you have to make sure that they write nicer if this is not the case. You can practice with your child early on so they can learn the importance of being able to write legibly. It has to know that this is the only way others can decipher its writing.

We then have tips for you on how you can help your child improve their  writing 

5 Keys Your Child Can Use To Improve Their Writing

1st key

You have to motivate your child accordingly so that they feel like improving their writing themselves. If it becomes compulsive and your child only works on it listlessly, it will be very difficult for them to achieve their goal.

We therefore recommend you  to be interested in his progress, to help him and also to accompany him in his school tasks. 

If your child sees that you care about what they just wrote, but you can’t read their writing , they’ll be  more accurate next time and try harder. After all, it wants its mom to be able to read its ideas and fantasies that it puts on paper.

2 Keys

To improve your child’s writing skills, they should also understand the importance of handwriting. If a child uses the keyboard more than a pencil, they will not be able to improve their typeface.

Fine motor skills play an important role in this. These are developed and promoted with various activities from an early age.

Improve the child's writing

If your child is already using the keyboard before they can hold a pen, they will find it difficult to develop their finger skills. In order to be able to write beautifully, however, it must be able to make the right movements with the hand without tensing up. 

You should therefore start training your child’s motor skills and dexterity at an early age. In no case should your little one use the computer, mobile phone or tablet too often. 

You can only learn to write with a lot of practice, otherwise your child will find it difficult to improve his or her handwriting.

3rd key

Correct posture is also important in order to write beautifully. Show your child the best way to sit in the chair. It is very difficult to achieve beautiful lettering on the floor or in bed.

Of course, the right pad is also essential for good guidance of the pen. And the writing material must also be chosen correctly in order to achieve the goal. The child should exert as little pressure as possible, which is easier with a fountain pen.

As you can see, various aspects have to be taken into account in order to create a legible font.

Show him that there is no need to bend over the exercise book. In addition, the exercise book has to be on the table correctly, preferably a little at an angle, as this makes writing easier. The opposite hand holds the sheet or notebook while writing.

4th key

Show your child how to properly hold the pencil or fountain pen. However, it then has to find its own style in order to feel comfortable and secure.

Some children hold the pen with their thumb over their middle finger, others form a kind of “pliers” with their thumb and forefinger. Some children  use the middle finger, index finger, and thumb to hold the pencil.

Everyone has to find out for themselves how it is easiest for them without applying too much pressure or clenching their hands.

Practice writing

5th key

The key to success lies in constancy, practice and repetition. Your child should exercise at least three times a week, even better every day. Motivate them and keep practicing with them to improve their lines. This is the only way to achieve the goal.

We recommend encouraging your child’s interest in reading and drawing from an early age. Read them stories and buy them thick colored pencils or chalks so they can playfully prepare for reading and writing.

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