Gifted Children And Their Personality

Gifted children have a very special character.
Gifted children and their personality

Gifted children have a very special temperament and personality and here we tell you everything you should know about this topic.

The special thing about gifted children is how they express their ideas and feelings. In general, these children are calm and thoughtful, but also very enthusiastic and passionate when something really interests them.

It is important that we as parents are aware that gifted children have the same needs as other children. Therefore we should not neglect them (especially in the psycho-emotional area) and not assume that they can do everything themselves. They need us and we have to be there for them unconditionally.

Gifted children are consistent, critical and have a constant tendency towards self-improvement. In this context, it should be noted that these children can only be balanced in early childhood if we help them understand and overcome the frustrations of everyday life.

Gifted children and their personality traits

In the following, we will introduce you to 10 characteristics that gifted children have in common:

Highly gifted children are characterized by curiosity and a high level of creativity.

1. Learning skills

The gifted child learns and understands particularly quickly. Its understanding is global and synthetic. Its worst enemies are memorization without understanding, routine and automatic processes, without thought. Sometimes this aspect can be a source of conflict in school life.

2. Curiosity

Gifted children are very curious and use every opportunity to quench their thirst for knowledge. Often they are interested in topics that do not seem appropriate to their age and that are a source of discussion that fascinates them: the origins of life, space, death and so on.

3. The language

Paradoxically, these children do not usually speak in front of others. However, once they start speaking, they notice that they have a much broader and richer vocabulary than the average child. You are also proficient in grammatical structures. On the other hand, most of them express themselves with great ease. Children love to talk and have conversations with adults in order to acquire a rich and diverse vocabulary.

4. loneliness

Gifted children often tend to self-isolate. Either to deepen their reflections or because they just find it a little difficult to fit into groups. That doesn’t mean they are abandoned children. In most cases, it is the personality of gifted children that leads them to seek solitude in order to explore their inner world.

5. Perfectionism

Gifted children tend to be perfectionists, a subject that offers them many advantages. The downside is that sometimes they don’t respect their own limits and ask too much of themselves. Therefore, parents need to help them avoid applying additional pressure in certain activities.

6. Hypersensitivity

Because they have a better understanding of the information they receive from their surroundings, their feelings can become much more intense. Because they are much more concerned with context, they tend to be over-sensitive.

Gifted children are often considered shy, so they often simply need more time for themselves to quench their thirst for knowledge.

7. Good self-control

In general, the personality of gifted children is primarily characterized by good self-control. These little ones rarely give in to impulses and emotions. And why? Because your mind quickly analyzes any situation and you don’t lose your confidence as a result. They understand how to act quickly.

Good self-control can also be perceived as shyness. However, this does not have to be the case in all cases. The important thing is not to classify the children.

8. The distraction

They seem to be absent most of the time, but in fact gifted children are engrossed in deep reflections. They are simply very attentive in their own way to each of the questions that interest them in order to fully assimilate and thus understand them. This type of action gives them great personal satisfaction.

9. The sense of humor

One of the most wonderful things about gifted children is their excellent sense of humor. He shows up very often, is highly intelligent, logical and allows them to interact with people in a casual and fun way.

10. Critical thinking

Gifted children have a high critical capacity (and usually express their opinions from an objective and constructive point of view). You will quickly spot any problems. For example, they capture all the advantages and disadvantages of situations. They also have a good knowledge of people and recognize the respective intentions.

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