First Time Aunt

Women who, for whatever reason, have not given birth and are fortunate enough to see the birth of their first niece or nephew will discover an unconditional love that grows every day. It even makes her a second mother.
First time aunt

In general, a woman who is not yet a mother and receives the great news that she is going to be a first time aunt will have an incredible and indescribable feeling. Regardless of the circumstances, the moment and even the age, the birth of a niece or nephew is very special.

The little one that is born will undoubtedly be the joy of the home. He or she will also be the main protagonist of many riots in which the new aunt is sure to be a part.

When you are a first time aunt , you are always ready to teach your nephew or niece new things, snap photos of every single milestone, and prepare delicious desserts or snacks to share with him or her.

You are like a second mother to this new being and you will be waiting eagerly for the moment when he or she calls you “aunt” for the first time.

You will always be there to seize the moment of bedtime and repeat the same story a hundred times. You leave discreet but important comments that will shape it.

Together you can watch a TV show or just watch cartoons and exchange comments and opinions. In this way you teach him to question and emphasize values ​​that will be useful for his long life.

Even so, the fact that you love your nephew or niece dearly does not mean that you are giving up on shaping him or her as a person. You should always contribute to his or her personal development and be a good role model.

5 golden rules for becoming an aunt for the first time

Sometimes you don’t take your niece or nephew’s upbringing seriously enough because you just aren’t the mother. This is actually a mistake.

Here are five golden rules to be the best aunt:

1. Be an extraordinary aunt, but not a friend

When the parents are not there, the aunt comes into play. The child needs guidance, not a buddy.

Nowadays it is common for an aunt to entrust her fears and problems to a nephew / niece. Being an aunt for the first time means setting boundaries and norms, just like parents would.

To be an aunt for the first time

2. Discipline your niece or nephew from an early age

As an aunt, it is your job to teach your nieces and nephews to help with housework from an early age and to support parents in teaching them to follow the rules.

Bad behavior should not be tolerated. If the child receives your support for their mistakes, they will take control of the situation and therefore disobey their parents.

3. Spend quality time with your niece or nephew

Often the aunt does not live in the same house as her nephew. She also can’t spend as much time with him as she’d like because of work or other commitments.

Therefore , when you are together, you should use your free time and turn it into quality time. A little while is enough for you to play, exercise, sit down, talk, or run for a few hours.

Your niece or nephew will definitely appreciate this time with you. However brief it may be, he or she will always remember those beautiful moments.

4. Always tell the truth, even when it is difficult

Real self-esteem comes from overcoming a challenge, there is no doubt about it. Therefore, you should n’t overprotect your nephew. This does not allow him to develop skills in overcoming difficulties.

At the right time, you should praise real accomplishments. If for some reason your nephew failed to achieve a goal, you shouldn’t make him feel useless. You shouldn’t treat him like a champion either. Help him learn from his failures.

First time aunt

5. Always keep an eye on the anger

It’s no secret that having a child without supervision can be a serious problem in the short term. Therefore, it is your duty as an aunt to put a stop to your niece or nephew, no matter how old they are.

This monitoring must take place without the child feeling overwhelmed, as this would lead them to no longer be themselves. So you would no longer be the dear aunt who runs it, but a person who cannot be trusted.

Being an aunt is a blessing. Your niece or nephew sees you as a second mother with whom he or she can share beautiful and not so beautiful moments.

Use your influence to teach valuable lessons and principles. Give them all your love too, you are sure to get a lot more in return.

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