Families With Only One Parent: 4 Children’s Books On This Topic

Promoting the visibility of different types of families is important in making children aware of the importance of normalizing all types of families. Today we take a look at the presence of single parents in literature.
Single Parent Families: 4 Children's Books on the Subject

In today’s article, we will focus on the concept of single-parent families. Because the idea of ​​the family is no longer limited to dad, mom and the number of children they have together.

In today’s society, family diversity is a fact of life. There are all kinds of families today. In fact, families no longer have to consist of at least 3 members. Rather, 2 members are enough to form a family unit.

In the following we present 4 children’s books that deal with family diversity. Every title we mention deals with the problem in a way that is perfectly understandable to the youngest readers.

4 children’s books about families with only one parent

Families with only one parent - father with his children

1. Do you actually know how much I love you? is one of the loveliest books about single-parent families

This book by Sam McBratney, illustrated by Anita Jeram, talks about one of the sweetest concepts: love. In this case, the love between a rabbit and its mother. Both compete with each other to show who loves the other more. No matter how much effort the little rabbit tries, the dimensions of mother’s love always outweigh.

But then the little rabbit has an incredible idea … What if my love for my mother extends to the moon? Can my mother’s love make it there? This cute and tender animal tale is perfect for children over three years of age. In fact, the book is already a classic in children’s literature.

A beautifully illustrated book that shows us that love unites us, no matter how many people there are in our family. Whether you are a single parent or not, this book will touch your heart as well as that of your child.

2. Little Chick and Mommy Cat

This fantastic book by Marta Zafrilla shows two main characters: a little chick and its mother, a gray cat. The pages of this story help children understand and appreciate two fundamental issues: family diversity and adoption. In this case the problems take place within the animal kingdom.

However, these animals – the mother cat and her chick – are given human characteristics. The story shows how the little chick’s classmates cannot understand the unique family that the chick and cat make up.

The illustrations in this book are sweet and tender, as are the characters themselves. This simple and in-depth piece of children’s literature is currently only available in English. But it is perfect for single parents, adoptive families or parents who want to give their children more understanding.

Children's books about families with only one parent

3. Le papa qui avait 10 enfants

This is a very fun book with illustrations that both kids and adults are sure to love. In the book, which is currently only available in French, the author Benedicte Guettier tells the story of a single father who encounters all sorts of trouble and calamity with his ten children. You read that right: ten children!

Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a family with 10 children? The pages of this book and its simple text offer you and your children an opportunity to explore this family’s adventures.

The purpose of the story is to entertain children and make them laugh. However, the pages hide a lesson we should all consider. Even though the family has only one parent with ten children, that father does what he has to do – and more. He doesn’t need anyone else because the love he has for each of his children is enough.

4. I’m not getting a divorce from Dad –  families with only one parent from the child’s point of view after a separation

Our last book on single-parent families deals with the subject from the child’s point of view. Little Mattis plays the leading role in a performance and mom and grandma have sewn a beautiful costume for him.

But Mattis is sad because the school performance is on a Wednesday. Because on Wednesdays Mattis and Papa don’t usually see each other. So, Mattis gives his papa a message on the answering machine … And sure enough: on the day of the performance, papa is in the front row!

The book deals with the topic that usually one parent disappears a little more from the everyday life of the little ones than they would like. But that does not mean that the parent who no longer lives in the same house cannot be there for their child.

All of the books mentioned here are perfect for families with just one parent. However, they are also ideal for conveying to every child that every family is unique, special and, above all, valuable. It doesn’t matter how many members a family has or how that family came about. Most important is the love they share.

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