Different Methods For Language Teaching

Find out more about different methods for language teaching in today’s post.
Different methods for language teaching

A language is a complex system of sounds and characters that form larger units and enable us to communicate with others who also speak the language. A distinction is made between mother tongue and foreign language, which is mostly acquired through  language lessons .

Learning another language enables us  to get to know and understand other cultures, ways of life and thoughts. In addition, foreign languages ​​also have many advantages for a professional career.

Effective methods are fundamental to learning new languages, so in today’s article we present different approaches that many language methods are  based on.

Methods for language teaching

Grammar translation method

It is one of the oldest methods of language teaching that  focuses on  learning grammatical rules and translating texts into another language.

In this method, equivalences of universal grammatical patterns are very important. But the vocabulary and rules are simply memorized and conveyed outside of the natural context.

Language lessons

Direct method for language teaching

At the end of the 19th century, the direct method emerged, which focuses on verbal communication and only reduces grammar to the bare essentials. The point is to make yourself understandable, even if the grammatical structure is not perfect.

The direct or natural method is intuitive and should be done in a similar way to acquiring the first language. First you learn to make yourself understood,  and then grammatical errors are gradually corrected. Listening and repeating should facilitate language learning in a direct, natural way.

The audio-lingual method

The audio-lingual method also focuses on the spoken language. Verbal expression and listening skills are particularly important here. In contrast to the previous method, however, learning is done here by repeating words, sentences and dialogues.

Effective methods for language teaching

Over time, many effective language teaching methods have been developed that make learning a second language easier. There is no such thing as “the” best method, but some strategies are more helpful than others.

Many methods use the  communicative approach, which regards language acquisition as functional and less structural. This means that the focus is on communication and not just about mastering the grammar of the foreign language.

The context is also very important here in order to learn the foreign language.

In the organization of lessons  , the communicative approach uses many activities that deal with everyday situations, with the learning of grammar rules remaining in the background, but without forgetting the importance of integrating grammatical aspects. But first and foremost it is about speaking, listening and understanding everyday texts.

Language lessons

Everyday situations are always about scenes that occur frequently: at work, at the airport or on a trip, shopping for a wide variety of items, asking for help in risky situations … the pupils learn step by step to find their way around  in a foreign language in these situations. 

Communication in language classes is fundamental

There are many different ways to learn a new language. The best are those who always take into account the specific learning needs and characteristics of the student. Language teachers have to be flexible in their choice of method, because the combination of different strategies usually makes the most sense. 

Repetition, memorization, and grammatical rules can be important in learning a language, but  they should always be used in other activities involving active communication. The most important thing about a language is to be able to communicate with it.

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