Couvade Syndrome: Men With Pregnancy Symptoms

Men experience the same fears while waiting for their young son or daughter to be born. 
Couvade syndrome: men with pregnancy symptoms

Many pregnant women experience heart pain, fluid buildup, nausea, etc. But did you know that men can experience change too? This is known as Couvade syndrome.

In fact, some of the men’s symptoms are the same that their pregnant women experience.

Pregnancy is a time of great changes in a woman’s body.

Your girth and weight change, your emotions change, your taste even your hair and nails change.

And all of these changes have an impact on your partner.

Couvade syndrome

Couvade syndrome, also known as pregnancy solidarity, is not atypical in men whose partners are pregnant.

The name comes from the French word “couver”, which means “to hatch”.

The men do not experience any physical discomfort, but rather feel an emotional connection with their partner.

This deep connection leads them to become more aware of certain pregnancy symptoms and to experience some changes themselves.

couvade syndrome couvade syndrome 2We have listed some symptoms for you that your husband can experience during your pregnancy.

The compassion he feels towards you leads him to experience some of the same emotions and symptoms as you.

Symptoms of Couvade Syndrome in Men


A pregnant woman can become anxious at certain moments and for different reasons.

These fears arise from the physical changes, the imminent arrival of the baby, the need to be a good mother, health reasons, etc.

Men can experience the same fears while waiting for their young son or daughter to be born.

You worry about the responsibility of raising a child, all the stress in the first few months, the family’s financial situation …

Men and women can feel restless during pregnancy. This restlessness has to do with fears about the health of the child, the birth and the days after, among other things.

In order for men to feel more confident and able to be fathers, they need to be involved in every step of the pregnancy.

For example, antenatal classes are a good idea to build the father’s emotional confidence.

couvade syndrome couvade syndrome

Mood swings

Mood swings are a common and well-known symptom that women experience during pregnancy.

They are not only caused by anxiety and malaise, but mainly by hormonal changes that your pregnant body is going through.

While men may not experience the same hormonal changes as women and their bodies do not change either, they can still experience mood swings during their partner’s pregnancy.

Future fathers can experience new emotions that upset them, especially during the first and last weeks of pregnancy.

Worries, nerves, the thought of being responsible for such a small being … all of these can lead men to feel a range of emotions.

Fear, sadness, happiness, peace, irritation, stress, tension, tension …

Maybe they don’t always share these emotions openly. Yet they are present internally and need to be digested in a healthy way.


Perhaps some men just can’t handle the fact that their pregnant partner is the only one allowed to complain during this time.

Hence, consciously or unconsciously, they find things to complain about and get attention for.

Pregnant women often experience back pain, neck pain, headaches, and cramps.

Be it jealousy, sheer coincidence, or extreme compassion, some men start to experience the same symptoms.

If women experience this pain, it is due to the physical and hormonal changes of pregnancy.

However, there is no physical reason behind the pain or discomfort associated with Couvade syndrome.

They seem more like some kind of identification mechanism. A subconscious way to feel connected with your partner.

Even if men do not carry their child to term, they are still concerned fathers.

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