Birth Without Epidural Anesthesia (PDA)

When a woman is in labor, she can choose how to deal with the pain. The most common form of pain relief during childbirth is epidural anesthesia, also known as epidural anesthesia (PDA).
Birth without epidural anesthesia (PDA)

But birth is also possible without a PDA.

With epidurals, anesthesia is administered to control pain through contractions during childbirth.  As a result, the mother will still feel the uterus contracting, but it will be much less painful.

The PDA only controls pain associated with contractions. It is not a general anesthetic, so the woman remains awake and alert.

Treating pain during childbirth allows the mother to concentrate better. This means that when the time comes, they can use the correct breathing techniques and concentrate on pressing.

Pain relief can also help the mother recover from childbirth more quickly.

In certain cases, however, a PDA is not possible. This is mainly the case for medical reasons. Birth has to take place without it if the life of the mother or the baby is at risk.

Reasons for giving birth without a PDA

  • Pain relief is not just a mother’s choice. In some cases, women cannot receive anesthetics.
  • It is not recommended if the mother has a blood clotting disorder or is taking blood thinners.
  • Some people are allergic to the drugs that are used in anesthesia. If so, an epidural can cause an allergic reaction in the mother or baby.
  • In some cases it can have the same effect as general anesthesia. The mother then falls asleep completely and is unable to take part in the birth, which in turn puts the baby at risk.
    Geburt ohne PDA

    The PDA is placed at the bottom of the spine. To insert the catheter, the woman must straighten up and bend her back. If the woman has a deformed spine, it may not be possible to insert the catheter.  This can make the PDA more dangerous.

  • Another reason is when childbirth is fast. This type of pain relief should ideally be done with a stretch of less than 4 centimeters.
  • If contractions have already started, the contractions may make PDA difficult or may make anesthesia unnecessary. The maximum stretch is 8 cm.

Risks Associated with a PDA

In general , the risks are very low and are mainly related to catheter placement problems.

The PDA relieves pain through a catheter that is placed in the lower part of the spine. The catheter goes through a membrane that covers the bone marrow.

If the expectant mother moves suddenly during the epidural, she can damage her spinal cord. There are cases when the catheter moves, making recovery slow or partial. This can result in numbness in one or both legs.

The risks to the baby are lower. In general, a PDA increases the mother’s body temperature. If the labor is long, the same can happen to the baby.

The following side effects can also occur:

  • Tremble
  • a headache
  • nausea

Techniques for giving birth without a PDA

If the mother or medical team chooses to have an epidural free birth, there are other pain relief techniques that can help. The most important thing is to stay calm and avoid stress.

The nerves are the main cause of the mother’s suffering. Anxiety can make you lose control of your body if you had to focus and follow instructions.

Breathing techniques

Breathing patterns are extremely important in labor and help the expectant mother have energy. As the contractions progress, breathing techniques may vary. Long, deep breaths are helpful in the beginning of labor, while short breaths can be used to aid in pressing.

Water births and massages

Water births are common in women who give birth without an epidural or who are unable to get this type of pain relief.

A bath in warm water relaxes the muscles and helps relieve anxiety and calm the mother. This technique can help make progress faster and easier in the latter stages of labor.

Massaging the lower back can also help relax the pelvis and reduce the discomfort caused by the pressure on the baby. Hot compresses are also helpful in this area.

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